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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Oil: Soon we will achieve self-sufficiency in the production of improved gasoline

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277821
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Oil: Soon we will achieve self-sufficiency in the production of improved gasoline Empty Oil: Soon we will achieve self-sufficiency in the production of improved gasoline

    Post by Rocky Mon 16 Dec 2019, 2:07 am

    Oil: Soon we will achieve self-sufficiency in the production of improved gasoline

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    The Oil Ministry confirmed that there is a trend to support products and private industries, indicating that improved gasoline will be produced from national refineries.
    The ministry’s spokesman, Assem Jihad, said, “There is a trend by the Ministry of Oil to support products and private industries, such as the oil industry, including motor oil, which has reached an advanced stage in a way that meets international standards.” He added that "all national industries depend on the Ministry of Oil for oil derivatives, and the same applies to power stations."
    Jihad pointed out that "the Ministry of Oil is working to establish oil refineries such as Karbala Refinery, which will start production in the year 2022, and that its production of improved gasoline with high specifications will compensate for the import." He continued, "The oil imports limited quantities of improved gasoline at the present time, and it will be dispensed with the completion of the Karbala refinery, and the production of improved gasoline will be from the national refineries ."
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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277821
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Oil: Soon we will achieve self-sufficiency in the production of improved gasoline Empty The Ministry of Oil announces the achievement of self-sufficiency in the improved gasoline

    Post by Rocky Mon 16 Dec 2019, 3:00 am

    [size=30]The Ministry of Oil announces the achievement of self-sufficiency in the improved gasoline[/size]
    December 16, 2019 | 9:43 am | Views:
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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    On Monday, the Ministry of Oil announced that it would be close to achieving self-sufficiency of the improved gasoline, indicating that the improved gasoline will be produced from the national refineries.

    "There is a trend by the Ministry of Oil to support products and private industries, such as the oil industry, including motor oil, whose work has reached an advanced stage and in a way that meets international standards," said ministry spokesman Assem Jihad in a statement received by Sada Agency.

    Jihad added, "All national industries depend on the Ministry of Oil for oil derivatives, and the same applies to power stations." Jihad pointed out that "the Ministry of Oil is working to establish oil refineries such as Karbala Refinery, which will start production in the year 2022, and that its production of improved gasoline with high specifications will compensate for the import."

    He continued, "The oil imports limited quantities of improved gasoline at the present time, and it will be dispensed with the completion of the Karbala refinery, and the production of improved gasoline will be from the national refineries."

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