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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Covered with soft loans

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    Covered with soft loans Empty Covered with soft loans

    Post by Rocky Sun Jun 08, 2014 8:41 am

    Covered with soft loans

    08/06/2014 05: 59
    Included the Ministry of labour and Social Affairs with special needs enrolled in its database projects, soft loans and salary protection network, with Baghdad Province has developed a special Division to take care of the slide.

    Nassar Al-Rubaie, said labor Minister in the SMC "morning" that "all graduates of institutes of mental handicap will be divided into two parts after determining the percentages of disability."

    "We will engage people with disabilities who are able to work in a paid training courses, to be loans under the national strategy for poverty alleviation", indicating that the second section who is 100 percent disability rates will give them monthly salaries into social protection network.

    The procedures will be applied through the aftercare program after the activation of the fourth paragraph of article 49 of 1980 which provides follow-up to the disabled after graduating from units of the Centre to ensure its integration in society through, in addition to activating article 49, which States the commitment of the State departments and private and public sectors and mixed run disabled, revealing the Overture the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers of 5 percent set to disabled in State institutions, and 3 percent in the private sector. the same action spring Been applied to psychiatric patients in psychiatric hospitals, neurological, and included many salaries and benefits protection network, increasing disabilities among children as a result of the wars with the multiplication of those affected by mines and terrorist incidents that have led to multiple physical disabilities, particularly in the southern provinces caused by the births of deformed and physical and mental disabilities to newborns.

    The Minister also noted that the Ministry has 17 institutes of physical and mental disability physical disability within the ten provinces that are disabled from reception age (1.15) years and are subjected to training courses for the development and rehabilitation of mental abilities, as well as 22 institutes for the deaf and blind schools taught five beneficiaries according to special curricula suited to their abilities and capabilities, taking into account the type of disability.

    For his part, said the Division in the Baghdad governorate Jothi for "morning" that created a Division to assist people with special needs, whether they are victims of terrorism or other accidents through all ministries to accomplish approached their exceptionally and shrink rings routine, as well as organizing field visits to poor families and families with a disabled patient and cannot come to the Midwest province, revealing the distribution Division of medical chairs between disabled people and their material payments to purchase orthotist or headphones Ear. Governor of Baghdad, Ali Mohsen Al-Tamimi of the "morning" that the Mayor has taken a number of measures to support and develop the mental disability institutes include guaranteed to send all her teachers and trainers training courses outside the country in order to develop their potential and brief them on the latest methods used in these cases, as well as provide them with furniture and accessories for modern processing Institute.

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