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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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4 posters

    Economist: delay in the budget behind the rise of the dinar and the dollar will rise .. soon

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    Economist: delay in the budget behind the rise of the dinar and the dollar will rise .. soon Empty Economist: delay in the budget behind the rise of the dinar and the dollar will rise .. soon

    Post by Rocky Mon 09 Jun 2014, 8:43 am

    Economist: delay in the budget behind the rise of the dinar and the dollar will rise .. soon

    Mon Jun 09 2014 seven twenty-nine | (Voice of Iraq) - comment.PNGAdd a comment - Baghdad (Iraq) / Ahmed Yassin 
    ruled out an economist and a relationship between the Iraqi government's actions and the high exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the U.S. dollar, and expected recovery in the dollar to its previous status within days. 
    The economist said the appearance of Mohammed Saleh told the "future" on Sunday (June 8, 2014) that the Central Bank of Iraq is responsible for the policies of the stability of the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against foreign currencies, the only one who has the mechanisms and authority for the stability of the exchange rate of the dinar in Iraq. 
    He The decline in the dollar exchange rate is normal because of the policy currently in auction Central Bank of Iraq and the mechanics of the entry money transfer companies to auction the central bank without the mediation of banks, where the drop in the price of buying and selling the U.S. dollar and foreign currencies is a positive thing for the policy of national exchange, trade and good phenomenon the fact that Policy auction sales CBI is still going on despite the fact that government spending is restricted during the current period due to the failure to approve the budget, especially since the central bank sales big and spend liquidity being approach high. 
    benefit of "no income security conditions taking place in Iraq, down the dollar exchange rate during the days browsing the fact that terrorism and the security situation been going on for years and become one of the axioms cash market in Iraq. " 
    He said economic expert: There are no stated policy on the relationship of the government and the central bank to increase the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar, as the central bank attribution to enter the money transfer companies to its daily auction without the mediation of banks, adding that the financial market has sufficient amounts of foreign currency and the exchange rate does not affect the low for the market and the rate of movement of the sale and purchase of foreign currency in Iraq.

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    Economist: delay in the budget behind the rise of the dinar and the dollar will rise .. soon Empty Re: Economist: delay in the budget behind the rise of the dinar and the dollar will rise .. soon

    Post by Rocky Mon 09 Jun 2014, 8:55 am

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    Economist: delay in the budget behind the rise of the dinar and the dollar will rise .. soon Empty Re: Economist: delay in the budget behind the rise of the dinar and the dollar will rise .. soon

    Post by CITEX Mon 09 Jun 2014, 12:57 pm

    expected recovery in the dollar to its previous status within days. 

    Previous rate being 1161 to one dollar, or $3.22 to one dinar?

    Time will tell... or maybe even days..  study
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    Economist: delay in the budget behind the rise of the dinar and the dollar will rise .. soon Empty Re: Economist: delay in the budget behind the rise of the dinar and the dollar will rise .. soon

    Post by weslin3 Mon 09 Jun 2014, 3:58 pm

    I'm just waiting to see what happens with the new Parliament. What and how fast they get things done. Maybe we will know more after the 14th.

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    Economist: delay in the budget behind the rise of the dinar and the dollar will rise .. soon Empty Re: Economist: delay in the budget behind the rise of the dinar and the dollar will rise .. soon

    Post by Neno Mon 09 Jun 2014, 5:27 pm

    CITEX wrote:
    expected recovery in the dollar to its previous status within days. 

    Previous rate being 1161 to one dollar, or $3.22 to one dinar?

    Time will tell... or maybe even days..  study
    You know, it caught my attention too but it's hard to understand their arbish but would guess it isn't in our favor the meaning.
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    Economist: delay in the budget behind the rise of the dinar and the dollar will rise .. soon Empty Re: Economist: delay in the budget behind the rise of the dinar and the dollar will rise .. soon

    Post by CITEX Tue 10 Jun 2014, 1:04 pm

    That was my feeling on it as well, and today with Mosul/Al Queda thing going on, seems almost pointless to revalue the money... it would just completely fund terrorism world wide, that whole thing really needs to get squashed, I am tired of those idiots messing up my plans.. haha.
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    Economist: delay in the budget behind the rise of the dinar and the dollar will rise .. soon Empty Re: Economist: delay in the budget behind the rise of the dinar and the dollar will rise .. soon

    Post by weslin3 Tue 10 Jun 2014, 2:07 pm

    I agree with you CITEX. Especially messing with my plans.

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    Economist: delay in the budget behind the rise of the dinar and the dollar will rise .. soon Empty Re: Economist: delay in the budget behind the rise of the dinar and the dollar will rise .. soon

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