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    06~10~2014 Horoscopes


    Posts : 854
    Join date : 2012-12-19
    Age : 54

    06~10~2014 Horoscopes Empty 06~10~2014 Horoscopes

    Post by Cat561 Tue 10 Jun 2014, 8:21 am

    nventions, in particular in communications, computers and electronics, may be possible now. There are clear perspectives into your present reality, making situations easier to understand. There are options now to improve a love relationship. You are very tolerant and accepting of differences and have good insights into problems. Independent, you like to promote and compromise and otherwise show your desire and abilities to understand others. You may be unconventional in matters of philosophy and religion–always finding new ways to get past the fluff. You must understand, however, that your insights into truth and the eternal make you a loner at times. You seek to understand situations by finding new ways to better conditions.

    This is a time of good fortune when things open up in a very natural way for you. Opportunities are plenty and you may find yourself wanting and able to do almost anything. This is a time during which circumstances bend to your will and things have a way of working out smoothly. Here are real opportunities to complete and work out difficulties and projects that require both long-term effort and a high degree of discipline. This day is good for job-related events. You could represent or speak for your company at this time. Any personal matters you want to accomplish or business matters that need tending will also have positive results. Tonight would be a good time to pal around with some of your friends–maybe a sports type of game.

    You are in control of your day, especially when interacting with superiors. You may find that you enjoy your job or the responsibility it requires more than usual. It is ideas that count for you now, more than narrowly personal concerns. You are at your most practical when it comes to dealing and working with others. You know just what to do and can act without haste. Your ideal dream is a private one and heaven is as close as work and family. The romantic in you struggles against the frontier spirit that often moves you to action. You will continue to develop a knack for organizing things and people as a sense of ambition and practicality deepens. Work, achievement and ambition mean a lot to you now–show off your skills.

    Your dreams and ideals are very important to you. You may be more focused on your goals now than ever before. You busy yourself putting those plans of yours to work. You will notice that you have become more focused in your work lately. This afternoon, when you show up early for a family get-together, they may be surprised as well as pleased that you broke free from your projects in order to be with them. You are intuitively learning your limits as well as implementing a balance in your life. There is time this evening for making a few special plans that will help you complete one or two of your goals. You may find yourself putting your whole heart into making your dreams and ideals a reality. Much can be accomplished without stress.

    Saying or writing with style comes natural to you these days. New words to increase your vocabulary expertise can be a fun activity between you and a friend or co-worker. Your ability to discriminate real breakthroughs and spot new trends makes you able to work in areas that are at the very fringe of technology as well as psychology. You love all that is new and different and electronics, computers, communication–in fact, everything electrical is where your attention stays focused most of this day. There is a desire for variety this evening, particularly where it applies to romantic experience and artistic tastes. A sociable, congenial, slightly frivolous orientation sets in now. You will enjoy the interaction of friends tonight.

    Your career could assume a much more determined and solid form. This is a real time to buckle down and firm up your career goals. Your own ambition and drive are strong. You are able to use good reasonable thinking and make good choices. You can get a faster push forward by taking the right kind of action; you are positive and attentive. By working at a steady pace you will make a lot of progress. This afternoon you may find yourself advising or guiding another. Your spontaneity and unpredictability make you interesting to a group gathering this evening. You are independent and the way you come across to others creates an opportunity to teach and guide. You find some time to enjoy some simple exercise before retiring tonight.

    You may find that a particular project is just not your cup of tea this morning. Arguments of an emotional kind could be easy to find. Not every project will be the kind you want to dive into but there will be something in this one that will prove beneficial–patience. If you are a part of this project, another undertaking that you will really want to become involved with will be coming your way soon. A good sport attitude may be all-important for now. Outwardly you are intense and passionate and this quality is so essential to your character that all else revolves around it. This is what makes you popular when your work or personal partners want to move forward and get things accomplished. Your lifestyle may be just where you want it for now–enjoy.

    You are in tune with the practical issues in the workplace today. A firm sense of direction will help get you to your destination. This is a great time to be working in groups. You may be sought after as a guide or leader. You could be most persuasive with others and charismatic in speech and communication. You could come up with new solutions or inventions, and it is good that you are willing to listen to the ideas of others. It is ideas that count for you now, more than narrowly personal concerns. Family needs are important and there is no question about attending a family event this evening. Praise and support encourages a loved one to achieve the best. You are the cheerleader and the inspiration for your family and friends.

    Be satisfied with the ordinary and usual for now. Novel ideas or insights could be more damaging than useful. There is hectic emotional energy prevailing, but it is only temporary. After the workday is over, you could be tempted to relieve stress by purchasing some items. There is a greater appreciation for things of value and the idea of value itself is in order. This could be a period of great material gain; it is certainly a time when material things have a great deal of importance for you. If you are on a budget, give yourself twenty-four hours before making your final purchase decision. You may be helpful to a friend or close relative this evening. You are able to find the real truth about a questionable situation.

    Anyone who tries to get you to play with words is in for a big surprise. Your mind cuts right through all the window dressing and gets right down to the quick. Before anyone knows it, you have the heart of the matter out front for everyone to see. You would make a great investigator, either in scientific research or undercover work. It makes no difference. Your ability to get to the point is all but phenomenal. You can talk and put into words areas of the psychological that others would not touch. You have an urge to put out to sea and to somehow get past what separates and into that which unites or ties things together. Your drive to make dreams real keeps you working for your vision and goals. Consider volunteer work this week.

    Your successful optimism is obvious and therefore, catching. You see positive results from your hard work today. Family, home, relatives and real estate play a big part in your life now. Perhaps you have been planning a move and someone calls with information on just the right home for you. You work to show off your skills and you enjoy the praise you receive. This time marks a change of direction for you, away from the material and glitter, toward inner needs and security. Your intuition is strong and can guide you accurately in making forecasts or decisions; allow this to work for you. You will find yourself more concerned with maintaining and strengthening your position, rather than pushing outward. These next few months are for friends.

    In taking care of business, it is important to stay focused. There is a sense of emotional coolness or detachment at the personal level. It is ideas that count for you now, more than narrowly personal concerns–and you may have little tolerance for people who do not function at this level. You do not waste words today as communications tend to be short and to the point. Take time to be specific and ask for feedback so that you can be sure you were clear in your instructions to others. Take care of every last detail by proofing, or if possible, exchanging your work with someone else and proofing each other’s work. Develop and use your critical faculties. You are determined to complete your tasks. This evening is an excellent time to relax by music.

      Current date/time is Mon 13 Jan 2025, 11:48 am