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    Rouhani: Those responsible for shooting down the Ukrainian plane must be held accountable, regardles

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Rouhani: Those responsible for shooting down the Ukrainian plane must be held accountable, regardles Empty Rouhani: Those responsible for shooting down the Ukrainian plane must be held accountable, regardles

    Post by Rocky Tue 14 Jan 2020, 2:06 am

    Rouhani: Those responsible for shooting down the Ukrainian plane must be held accountable, regardless of his position

    Rouhani: Those responsible for shooting down the Ukrainian plane must be held accountable, regardles Photo--110
    {International: Al Furat News} Iranian President Hassan Rouhani promised, on Tuesday, to follow up the incident of the crashed Ukrainian plane, and urged the judiciary to form a special court to follow up on the case.
    The Iranian President said, during a speech in which he spoke about the incident of the Ukrainian plane, that the recognition of the shooting down of the Ukrainian plane is a good step that will be followed by other steps, saying that the person responsible for bringing down the plane is not only from pressing the missile launch button.
    Rouhani added that "the roots of the issue of shooting down the Ukrainian plane cannot be ignored, and the United States is one of the heightened tensions in the region," stressing that the incident of shooting down the Ukrainian plane touches the issue of Iranian airspace.
    Rouhani stressed that Iran will continue the investigations until the circumstances of the Ukrainian plane are known and all those responsible and those responsible for it are held accountable. He said, "Our people and the world should be reassured that this accident will not be repeated."
    The Iranian President stressed that the government is responsible to Iran and the other countries that lost its nationals in the accident, stressing that the person responsible for shooting down the Ukrainian plane should throw its penalty separately from his position.

      Current date/time is Wed 11 Sep 2024, 7:43 am