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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Expert: Border crossing revenue should reach 10 trillion, and the realized revenue should not exceed

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    Expert: Border crossing revenue should reach 10 trillion, and the realized revenue should not exceed Empty Expert: Border crossing revenue should reach 10 trillion, and the realized revenue should not exceed

    Post by Rocky Wed Jan 29, 2020 2:27 pm

    Expert: Border crossing revenue should reach 10 trillion, and the realized revenue should not exceed a third of the amount

    08:47 - 01/2020

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    Information / private ..
    Wednesday, Wednesday, economist Qusay Safwan said that the revenues of the border outlets should reach 10 trillion dinars, while the actual revenue does not exceed 3 trillion dinars, pointing out that the outlets must be subject to control to prevent corruption cases and control the goods and the destinations that will reach them.
    Safwan said in a statement to the "information", that " [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] has border ports with neighboring countries in addition to airports and the process of controlling revenue, which is through the provisions of control of the materials entering by customs imposed on goods and clarifying the market need for them, as the Ministry of Trade is supposed to work to clarify what it needs The country is a commodity and the countries in which it is imported.
    He added that "there is an absence of price control and some merchants are working to take out the currency by buying commodities at more than their price." Noting that "the process of controlling border crossings rests with the federal government, in addition to that there are irregular outlets that the Ministry of Interior is supposed to control. And documenting it in pictures.
    And that "port revenue is supposed to approach 10 trillion dinars to which the budget is provided, but the actual realized is not more than 3 trillion dinars," stressing the need to "know who will get the goods and which they will sell in order for the Finance Ministry to assume the process of imposing taxes and customs, especially as There is a lot of corruption in this file. ” 25 n ended

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