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    Report: America is uncomfortable with assigning Allawi ... chaos favors calm

    Admin Assist
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    Report: America is uncomfortable with assigning Allawi ... chaos favors calm Empty Report: America is uncomfortable with assigning Allawi ... chaos favors calm

    Post by Rocky Wed 05 Feb 2020, 6:18 am

    Report: America is uncomfortable with assigning Allawi ... chaos favors calm

    11:52 - 05/02/2020

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Information / Baghdad ..
    A press report confirmed on Wednesday that the [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] is "uncomfortable" to assign Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi as prime minister, noting that the US administration prefers chaos over any option that would calm down.
    A report of the Lebanese newspaper "Al-Akhbar", which was viewed by him, "The information" stated that "the American administration is not comfortable with assigning Allawi, as chaos prefers any option that would" calm ", and this is what has emerged in Sadr's calls to his supporters, to support [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] in the context of controlling the street. And contribute to the return of life to normal. ”
    The newspaper added, “The agenda of the prospective government will be very limited: holding early legislative elections, and at the earliest possible opportunity, after the electoral law and the Independent High Electoral Commission have been decided, in addition to approving the Federal Budget Law of 2020. Estimates are likely to deliver Alawi His successor in the head of government in 2022, provided that the elections take place within a year to approximately one and a half years, followed by the "constitutional process" from the deputies section to the formation of the largest parliamentary bloc, discussions and conclusion with the nomination of the candidate and his formation of his government, in a course that needs about 4 months.
    And, she added, "It is quoted by those familiar with the saying that the Alawi government will not be a government of real or radical reforms, but rather a government that handles corruption files quickly and quickly. As for the "major reform" or the most prominent challenge, it will be in the formulation of the federal budget, specifically in the part related to the share of the "Kurdistan Region" of it, and reducing it to less than 17 percent, after Erbil has broken its promises towards Baghdad. As the "agreement" had decided that Erbil would hand over the imports of the sale of 250,000 barrels of oil per day to the Federal Capital, in exchange for raising its share of the budget from 12 percent to 17 percent. Ended / 25

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