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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary Health demands Al-Halbusi to prevent Allawi and his cabinet from entering Parliament b

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliamentary Health demands Al-Halbusi to prevent Allawi and his cabinet from entering Parliament b Empty Parliamentary Health demands Al-Halbusi to prevent Allawi and his cabinet from entering Parliament b

    Post by Rocky Wed 26 Feb 2020, 1:43 am

    Parliamentary Health demands Al-Halbusi to prevent Allawi and his cabinet from entering Parliament before confirming their safety from "Corona"

    19:15 - 02/25/2020

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    The information / Baghdad ..
    On Tuesday, the head of the Parliamentary Health and Environment Committee, Qutaiba al-Jubouri, demanded not to allow Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi and his government cabinet candidates to enter Parliament before they were subjected to a medical examination to ensure their safety and freedom from the Corona virus.
    Al-Jubouri said in a statement received / information / that "the Speaker and his two deputies bear responsibility for the safety of those present at the parliament session that is scheduled to be held next Thursday, for the purpose of voting on the booth of Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi."
    He added, “We hope that they will not allow Allawi and the members of his government cabinet to enter the parliament building before conducting a medical examination on them because Allawi, according to the information circulated, has gone more than once to Tehran and several Iranian cities during the past days, in addition to that most of the candidates for his ministerial cabinet are of dual nationalities and came Recently from other countries that have been infected with the Corona virus. ”
    He demanded that the Presidency of the Council, "not to allow them to enter the parliament building before a medical examination by a specialized medical detachment from the Ministry of Health to ensure their safety and freedom from Corona virus, in order to prevent the spread of infection in a place that includes many deputies, journalists, employees and service workers." 25 h has ended

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