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    After the "Khamenei" grandson was infected with the virus .. "Corona" attacks "Hawzat" Iraq

    Admin Assist
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    After the "Khamenei" grandson was infected with the virus .. "Corona" attacks "Hawzat" Iraq Empty After the "Khamenei" grandson was infected with the virus .. "Corona" attacks "Hawzat" Iraq

    Post by Rocky Sat 29 Feb 2020, 6:45 am

    After the "Khamenei" grandson was infected with the virus .. "Corona" attacks "Hawzat" Iraq
    After the "Khamenei" grandson was infected with the virus .. "Corona" attacks "Hawzat" Iraq 1085045_534-1024x644Bookings of Najaf are closed - Internet

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    Private - the solution Net
    Iranian media reported today, Saturday, that the grandson of the Iranian Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei , was infected with the virus "Corona", after the disease spread to a number of Iranian provinces.
    Iranian media reported that the regime’s Expediency Council in Iran announced in a statement that “the member of the Council, Muhammad Mir Mohammadi, had been infected with the Corona virus, and that his condition was stable.”
    Muhammadi's mother had died on Friday in a hospital in the city of Qom as a result of being infected with the virus, and she is the sister of the religious authority Musa Shibiri Zanjani who is subject to quarantine after the death of the executive and financial official in his office as a result of infection with the virus.
    According to the Iranian Ministry of Health # 205 new cases were recorded in Iran during the past 24 hours.
    In the context, the threat posed by the "Corona virus" to community health status and social forums began to withdraw to religious events, and possibly influence important political decisions in #Iraq .
    Iraqi observers believe that the events and religious activities in # Iraq that did not stop armed attacks and bombings over the past years of violence, now lives a clear threat to the suspension and the suspension because of the "Corona", while the long suspension and suspension of some religious activities already.
    And the Fiqh Council of Iraq issued a fatwa stating that the Friday prayer must be avoided as a precaution against the “Corona” danger, while he instructed, according to a document seen by “The Solution Net ”, that prayer be carried out in homes. In public places, including attending congregational prayer. ”
    The leader of the Sadrist movement , Muqtada al- Sadr , had indicated in a tweet that "religious gatherings, such as congregational prayers and visits, may increase health damage, as well as other gatherings such as protests and markets."
    Sadr directed that those whose religious and social presence and practices are "necessary" for him or others, because of his injury, should "refrain from these matters."
    Meanwhile, local sources from the city of Najaf said, "The majority of religious schools and schools where Shiite students come from all Arab and foreign countries closed their doors until further notice."
    She explained to “The Solution Net ” that “religious semesters have informed their students of the need to observe i'tikaaf in homes until the danger of the Corona virus ends, and there is great concern about its spread among Iranian students.”
    She pointed out that «the majority of the clergy in the Hawzas expect that“ Corona ”attacked Najaf, especially since the case recorded by Iraq # with HIV, was an Iranian national and one of the Hawza students, and therefore this attack, led to the closure of religious schools.
    On Friday, the religious authority in Najaf ( # Ali_Sistani ) commented on the dangers of the spread of the "Corona virus" and warned against resorting to "obsolete fantasies, myths and customs, and considering them influential in avoiding infection with it."
    Editing - Wissam Al-Bazi

      Current date/time is Wed 11 Sep 2024, 11:36 am