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    "Red level reached" .. Iran announces the increase in the number of "Corona deaths"

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277353
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    "Red level reached" .. Iran announces the increase in the number of "Corona deaths" Empty "Red level reached" .. Iran announces the increase in the number of "Corona deaths"

    Post by Rocky Sat 14 Mar 2020, 6:35 am

    [rtl]"Red level reached" .. Iran announces the increase in the number of "Corona deaths"[/rtl]

    [rtl]"Red level reached" .. Iran announces the increase in the number of "Corona deaths" 6512[/rtl]

    ARBIL (Kurdistan 24) - The Iranian Ministry of Health announced on Saturday 97 new deaths due to the new epidemic of Corona, which raises the official death toll to 611 in Iran, one of the countries most affected by the disease in the world.
    "There have been 1,365 new infections recorded in the last 24 hours," bringing the number of injured in Iran to 12729, "Health Ministry spokesman Kyanosh Jahanpur told a televised news conference.
    Meanwhile, Mahmoud Reza Moradi, President of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences in Iran, confirmed in a message that the city of Kermanshah, in western Iran, is "filled with the brutal Corona virus," announcing that the level of the virus outbreak in the province has reached the red level, according to what was reported by "Iran International - Arab"

      Current date/time is Wed 11 Sep 2024, 12:38 pm