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    The Federal Government, a Kurdish Deputy, to honor the peshmerga forces


    Posts : 5321
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    The Federal Government, a Kurdish Deputy, to honor the peshmerga forces Empty The Federal Government, a Kurdish Deputy, to honor the peshmerga forces

    Post by wciappetta Thu 26 Jun 2014, 5:33 am

    The Federal Government, a Kurdish Deputy, to honor the peshmerga forces

    Posted by: Al-Azzawi  In the News, politics June 26, 2014 3 comments 55 visit

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    Called the Kurdistan Alliance MP Hamid Buffy, on Thursday, the Federal Government honored the peshmerga, which set in place during the recent events, noting that the peshmerga were the nucleus of the new army and is part of theThe Iraqi defence system.

    Buffy said in a statement that "most notable the Baghdad Government that honors the peshmerga, which set in place during the events of Mosul, Kirkuk and Salaheddin, Diyala and Al-Aqsa provided for protection of elements of the army, the police and the citizens."

    He noted that "the Iraqi armed forces should be formed of all Iraqi components as far as size and Constitution article 9, but that they became like one color and it's built on the basis of loyalty to a particular party."

    "The peshmerga were the nucleus of the new army and is part of the defence system, and the federal public budget law includes an article contains rights Peshmerga (salaries-fittings-fittings). but the Iraqi Government has not paid the amount of the one from 2007 until today, estimated at approximately $ 1 billion each year.

    "Buffy", after the collapse of the battalions and brigades and regiments and brigades of the armed forces and federal police capacity and tens of thousands fled officers and ranks, soldiers and police in front of a few hundred militants in Nineveh, Kirkuk and Salaheddin, Diyala, confirmed the peshmerga forces in place for all Valor and heroism and quickly rushed to the rescue of these officers and soldiers and their meat from the evil of militants and led them back and filled some voids, the peshmerga were martyrs and victims to the military and police rescue and protection of citizens. "

      Current date/time is Sat 18 Jan 2025, 9:14 pm