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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Railways announce their continuation of the transportation of petroleum products during the curfew

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Railways announce their continuation of the transportation of petroleum products during the curfew Empty Railways announce their continuation of the transportation of petroleum products during the curfew

    Post by Rocky Sat 28 Mar 2020, 6:41 am

    Railways announce their continuation of the transportation of petroleum products during the curfew

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    Economy News _ Baghdad
    The Minister of Transport, Engineer Abdullah Laibi, confirmed, on Saturday, that he would continue to transfer oil derivatives during the curfew, noting that this came to provide gas oil and meet the citizen's need.
    Laibi said in a statement, a copy of which was quoted by "Al-Iqtisad News", that "the railways continue to transport, load and transfer oil derivatives from Al-Shuaiba Refineries in Basra to the Hilla oil depots by specialized basins KZB at a rate of 1,000 cubic meters per day without interruption during the period of the curfew," stressing "on The need to continue work to increase the absorptive capacity of the loading and unloading transports, which in turn are reflected in the service of the citizen, taking into consideration the application of all preventive measures issued by the Crisis Cell and the World Health Organization and Iraq to prevent and limit the spread of Corona disease.
    He continued, "The Ministry's formations are keen to carry out their responsibilities at this difficult time by loading and arriving the goods to their specified places, especially transporting the gas oil material necessary for daily use to the Hilla warehouses to ensure that they are provided to the honorable Iraqi citizen."
    For his part, the Director General of Railways, Talib Al-Husseini, said, "The specialized company staff closely follows the progress of the specialized basins through the tracking system (GBS) and Umm Qasr Division, the process of loading and unloading the material daily. According to the terms of the contract between the rail and the Oil Products Distribution Company, specialized committees have been formed from both sides to oversee On the process of commissioning and delivering the material at its specified times, "explaining that" the Petroleum Products Company had previously praised the efforts of the railways to fulfill their obligations to transfer the material and the continued ownership of its owners to transport the payload and deliver it daily without any interruption, despite the curfew. "

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