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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    World Health Representative: Numbers of corona infections reported in Iraq are in line with reality

    Admin Assist
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    World Health Representative: Numbers of corona infections reported in Iraq are in line with reality Empty World Health Representative: Numbers of corona infections reported in Iraq are in line with reality

    Post by Rocky Fri 03 Apr 2020, 2:16 am

    World Health Representative: Numbers of corona infections reported in Iraq are in line with reality

    Friday 03 April 2020 - 09:47

    World Health Representative: Numbers of corona infections reported in Iraq are in line with reality 
    Baghdad- Conscious 
    "The Iraqi state has complied with the recommendations of the Organization, which has made the number of casualties a little lower than in other countries," said Adham Ismail, the world health representative in Iraq, in a press statement followed by the Iraqi News Agency (AAA). Compared to the size of the border with Iran, which is one of the hotbeds of this virus.
    Ismail stressed that "the world health team is present in all laboratories of the Ministry of Health and is familiar with the results of the tests, and there is no falsification or suspicion in the numbers announced and the number of infections, and that the figures provided by the Ministry of Health are done with full transparency,"" pointing out that "we can talk about doing more Laboratory tests and the search for more cases".
    He added that "Iraq has great freedom to publish news and circulate videos, even if there are cases that will spread widely," calling on "those who question the published figures to provide evidence."
    Ismail explained that "the measures of the Ministry of Health in the face of Corona started progressively, and began with preventive measures and travel bans to and from the affected countries and the closure of borders and then curfew, which enabled the ministry to gain time and prevent the spread of the epidemic," stressing that "Iraq is now at a crossroads, and that The laxity of the embargo has led to an increase in relative numbers, and it is the commitment of the people in the coming days that determines whether or not the spread of the epidemic will be determined." 
    "WHO has had an advisory role in the technical, health and sometimes physical fields," the representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) said, adding that "WHO has provided Iraq with tools and laboratories that are used to detect viruses, as well as provide $18 million obtained from donors, and will be spent on Medical devices of all kinds, in addition to the organization's financial expenditure to bring in 7 international experts for a full review of the satum, from airports to burials."

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    Admin Assist
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    World Health Representative: Numbers of corona infections reported in Iraq are in line with reality Empty The WHO office in Iraq belies the allegations of Reuters and The New York Times

    Post by Rocky Fri 03 Apr 2020, 2:23 am

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    - PUBLISHED ON APRIL 3, 2020
    Views: 13
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    The organization's representatives are present in all Iraqi laboratories, and there are no casualties that are not currently registered and advertised to
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