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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    A deputy calls for Iraq to withdraw from the recent OPEC agreement to cut its oil production by 23%

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    A deputy calls for Iraq to withdraw from the recent OPEC agreement to cut its oil production by 23% Empty A deputy calls for Iraq to withdraw from the recent OPEC agreement to cut its oil production by 23%

    Post by Rocky Wed 15 Apr 2020, 2:45 am

    A deputy calls for Iraq to withdraw from the recent OPEC agreement to cut its oil production by 23%
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    Politics, security and economy
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]4 minutes ago

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    MP considered high Nassif that the caretaker government is not entitled to take a decision to reduce Iraq’s oil production by twenty-three percent of the total production, which she said poses a risk to the country’s economy.
    Nassif called in a statement today, Wednesday, that Al-Mirbad received a copy of it to withdraw from this agreement and never implement it at the present time as it is a risk for the people’s power, whereby a quarter of production and participation was waived with a value of one tenth of what was ceded by all OPEC countries, as she put it, wondering at the time The same regarding whether the decision includes the region's oil, and whether the government will continue to pay the same percentage that it was paying the region before the reduction.
    Nassif said that the decision to reduce Iraq’s oil production by one million and 61,000 barrels per day, or twenty-three percent of the total production, has catastrophic repercussions on the Iraqi economy and will pay its tax to the citizen, because the Iraqi economy depends on oil exports only after the death of the agricultural and industrial sectors and the rest of the sectors due to Corruption and neglect. According to her saying 
    Nassif added, at the very least, it was assumed that Iraq asked OPEC to wait in this procedure while the country regained its recovery from the emergency that it is witnessing today, especially since the rest of the countries will not be affected a lot because they also depend on industrial and agricultural exports and the tourism sector and others, not like Iraq, which depends only on The oil. 
    Nassif wondered whether the Kurdistan region's oil will be covered by the decision to reduce production, and whether the government will still pay the region the same dues that were paid before the reduction or will it be reduced, noting that the Kurdish component is a victim of corruption due to the continued looting of its money and oil smuggling by senior mafias for several years.

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