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    Its first air strike since September .. Britain bombing sites in Iraq

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Its first air strike since September .. Britain bombing sites in Iraq Empty Its first air strike since September .. Britain bombing sites in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Sun 26 Apr 2020, 2:15 am

    [size=35][size=35]Its first air strike since September .. Britain bombing sites in Iraq[/size]
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    2020-04-26 | 02:23
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    [size=18]The British government has announced its first air strike against ISIS since September, as part of an international coalition campaign against the terrorist organization.

    The government stated in a briefing to it, that "the British Royal Air Force has carried out a successful air strike by two Typhoon fighters, on the tenth of this April, against members of the ISIS terrorist forces in the Tuz Khurmato region."

    It reported that the operation "led to the removal of a number of ISIS fighters from the battlefield and the further deterioration of the organization."
    In the details of the raid, I stated that it targeted terrorists who were in fortified buildings in an isolated area west of Tuz Khurmato, "known to be the focus of their active concentration in the region.

    According to her testimony, the British Air Force conducted a thorough examination of the area to identify non-combatants, before using a group of precision-guided missiles to destroy the buildings in which they were holed up.

    She added that "the surveillance plane carried out a careful examination of the area," stressing that "all weapons hit their targets and there are no collateral damage."
    The last British air strike against "ISIS" was last September, when a group of terrorist organization members were targeted after their attack on Iraqi forces.

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