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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Iran willing to have friendly relations with all Arab countries: Ambassador to Iraq


    Posts : 5062
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Iran willing to have friendly relations with all Arab countries: Ambassador to Iraq Empty Iran willing to have friendly relations with all Arab countries: Ambassador to Iraq

    Post by chouchou Mon 15 Jun 2020, 6:12 am

    Tehran (ISNA) – Iran’s ambassador to Baghdad, Iraj Masjedi stressed on Monday that Tehran is willing to have friendly relations with all Arab countries.

    Speaking in an exclusive interview with Iraqi media 'Al Iraqiya', Masjedi said, “Iran's approach toward new Iraqi government is to develop cooperation and synergy, and we are ready to support new Iraqi PM and government”.

    “Iran and Iraq need each other and our relations will be wider during new Iraqi prime minister's term,” he added.

    “We are willing to create productive relations with all Islamic and Arab countries as well as all countries around the world. We just consider Zionist regime as an illegal government and the US as an interventionist and dominant country. We advise all countries to manage their relations with Iran themselves, not based on the interests of the United States and the Zionists.

    The US is exploiting the situation in the region,” Masjedi emphasized.

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