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    Baghdad hosts a Kurdish delegation to discuss the region's share in the 2021 budget

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Baghdad hosts a Kurdish delegation to discuss the region's share in the 2021 budget Empty Baghdad hosts a Kurdish delegation to discuss the region's share in the 2021 budget

    Post by Rocky Sun 06 Sep 2020, 6:58 am

    Baghdad hosts a Kurdish delegation to discuss the region's share in the 2021 budget

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    The Kurdistan Regional Government revealed, on Sunday, an upcoming visit of a high-level Kurdish delegation to Baghdad, to install financial dues in the draft budget for 2021, while the Kurdistan Democratic Party stated that the visit aims to solve all outstanding problems with the federal government.
    The spokesman for the Deputy Prime Minister, Samir Hawrami, said in statements followed by Al-Iqtisad News that it is likely that a delegation headed by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Qubad Talabani, will visit the capital, Baghdad, to discuss the outstanding problems in the issue of the budget. 
    He added that "this visit will complement the previous meetings, and its aim is to stabilize the financial dues for the Kurdistan region, in the draft federal budget for 2021."
    As the deputy of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Sherwan Dubardani, said, "The delegation will be accompanied by a number of officials, especially those responsible for the files related to the visit, such as the oil and gas file, employee salaries, outlets, peshmerga salaries, and the file of the disputed areas."
    He pointed out that "these problems remained pending with Baghdad, and the regional government has shown its willingness to solve these problems in light of the Iraqi constitution."
    He continued, "We hope, through the delegation's visit, that we will reach an agreement in order to fix the paragraph of the region’s share and entitlements in the federal budget, so that these problems do not recur, and that the issue of the budget and salaries of employees in the region be kept away from political issues and the problems of the region and the federal government in the future."
    And that "the personnel file, the oil file, and the ports file, all will be submitted in a transparent manner to the federal government, in order to end all these problems in cooperation with Baghdad."
    He continued, "As for the remaining months, the agreement is as happened in the 2019 budget, as Baghdad sends the agreed amount for salaries, which covers 51 percent of the employees' salaries, and the rest of the region pays it from internal resources and sells oil."
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