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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary Finance: The government violated the law by spending huge sums of money from borrowing

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliamentary Finance: The government violated the law by spending huge sums of money from borrowing Empty Parliamentary Finance: The government violated the law by spending huge sums of money from borrowing

    Post by Rocky Sat 03 Oct 2020, 3:13 pm

    Parliamentary Finance: The government violated the law by spending huge sums of money from borrowing outside the legal framework
    14:44 - 10/03/2020

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    Information / Special ...
    The Parliamentary Finance Committee announced, on Saturday, that the government is seeking to secure the salaries of employees in various ways to protect itself from legal accountability, indicating that the government has violated the law by spending huge sums of money from borrowing outside the legal frameworks.
    A member of the Finance Committee, Abdul Hadi Saadawi, told / Al-Maamouma / that "there is a deficit of 20% to secure the salaries of the month of September despite the release of the retirement salaries."
    He added, "The government is working to secure the deficit in various ways, including borrowing, and not opening the door for previous borrowing money for fear of legal accountability," noting that "Al-Kazemi and the Minister of Finance spent money outside the constitutional and legal frameworks."
    He explained, "Among those funds is the launch of the sums of the investment budget for the Kurdistan region, although oil imports have not been delivered at a time when the southern governorates did not receive even the amounts of the operational budget."
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      Current date/time is Tue 10 Sep 2024, 6:17 pm