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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary Finance hosts Allawi tomorrow and expects to approve the budget before the end of the


    Posts : 5062
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Parliamentary Finance hosts Allawi tomorrow and expects to approve the budget before the end of the  Empty Parliamentary Finance hosts Allawi tomorrow and expects to approve the budget before the end of the

    Post by chouchou Mon 23 Nov 2020, 3:52 am

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    A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Naji Al-Saeedi, announced that the committee will host Finance Minister Ali Allawi tomorrow, Monday, to produce a new strategy and vision in the fiscal budget for 2021.

    Al-Saeedi said in a press statement, "The Ministry of Finance issued today a letter canceling many exemptions for governmental service and religious institutions," expecting that "the budget will be approved before the end of 2020."

    Al-Saeidy added, "There is no prejudice to the salaries of employees in the 2021 budget."

    He pointed out that "the finance has placed 3 trillion dinars round in addition to 12 trillion the will of the state, thus exceeding the salaries of employees," explaining that "we have put in place some reform items, including the collection of mobile phone fees. 

    " A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, "The amounts of previous customs exemptions are estimated at 12 trillion dinars," affirming that "there is a significant reduction in the budget of the Shiite and Sunni endowments and ministries that will be forced to maximize resources."

    Al-Saeedi pointed out that "3 border outlets in Anbar, one in Diyala, and 4 in Erbil are not subject to the state," indicating that "the Council of Ministers decided to spend 50 billion dinars to Dhi Qar Governorate, indicating that there are no new projects in Dhi Qar so far and that the governor is required to immediately announce it." About new projects before the end of the year, explaining that not announcing will injustice to the province.

    He pointed out that "the region pledged in the 2020 budget to deliver all oil and non-oil revenues to Baghdad," noting that "the Office of Financial Supervision is prohibited from entering the region, indicating on November 31 that the mobile companies did not receive one trillion dinars, and we will stop the frequency spectrum."

    A member of the Finance Committee said, "At the end of this month, the 2021 budget will reach the House of Representatives

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