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    The US State Department determines Washington’s position on Gulf investment in Iraq


    Posts : 5062
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    The US State Department determines Washington’s position on Gulf investment in Iraq Empty The US State Department determines Washington’s position on Gulf investment in Iraq

    Post by chouchou Wed 09 Dec 2020, 4:12 am

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    The US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, David Schenker, revealed, on Tuesday, December 08, 2020, the US position on Gulf investment in Iraq.

    Schenker said in a closed-circuit dialogue session in the presence of the (Baghdad Today) correspondent, “America supports Gulf investment in Iraq, and evaluates its investments in Iraq as well.”

    He added that “Gulf states’ investment in Iraq is more effective than other investments in the presence of language workers and bilateral relations,” pointing out that “there are parties in Iraq that work outside the framework of state authority and prevent the establishment of investment projects in the country.”

    And on the American presence in Iraq, the US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs confirmed that the main cadre of his country’s mission will remain in the capital Baghdad, in addition to the advisers with the Iraqi security forces.

    He stated that “the main cadre remains in the capital, Baghdad, as well as advisors in the Iraqi security forces,” stressing that “the embassy will not be closed.”

    Schenker added, “The administration in Washington and the teams here in Iraq are all committed to the bilateral relationship with Baghdad,” noting that “the temporary reduction will not affect the relationship between the two countries.”

    And he continued, “We have committed ourselves to Iraq and the Iraqis, remaining and continuing, support as well at all levels of security, health, economics and others, also continuing.”

    He continued, “The US State Department is assessing the security and protection of embassies in all parts of the world, including Iraq,” adding: “We are intensifying our presence in Iraq according to the security and sanitary conditions, and even according to the circumstances of the holidays and occasions.”

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