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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee: 350 trillion dinars were smuggled out of Iraq

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     Member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee: 350 trillion dinars were smuggled out of Iraq Empty Member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee: 350 trillion dinars were smuggled out of Iraq

    Post by Rocky Mon 04 Jan 2021, 8:33 am

    Member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee: 350 trillion dinars were smuggled out of Iraq
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    Member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee in the Iraqi Parliament, Taha Al-Defense
     04 January 2021 11:05 AM
    Mubasher: The Parliamentary Integrity Committee confirmed, today, Monday, that the volume of money smuggled outside Iraq is estimated at 350 trillion dinars.
    A member of the committee, Taha Al-Dafi, said, according to the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that the government formed a committee to combat corruption, and this committee worked clearly and significantly during the first days, but it retreated during the recent period due to political pressures. Where she was accused of various types of accusations, expressing his hope for the continuation of her work, and the investigation of more important cases such as corruption files rampant in some ministries.
    Al-Defense added, that up to 350 trillion dinars have been smuggled out of Iraq during the past years, all of them through fake receipts, stressing that most of the money smuggled in this direction outside Iraq, with many of these commissions that were obtained by some officials.
    Al-Defense pointed out that the funds disbursed after the year 2003 are estimated at one thousand trillion, and it includes the budgets of the operational and investment ministries, as huge funds were wasted in contracting cases, as well as corruption that was widespread in most of the contracts contracted by the ministries and governorates.

    And he added: "We did not touch any clear project that was completed in Baghdad or the provinces, and most of the projects were referred to impeccable companies, and they were dealt with at the worst commissions, so the work was not completed, and the money remained on simple projects, but we did not see strategic projects as main roads and fast bridges." .
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