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    Investment Baghdad: Turkish companies stopped working and left a request from Ankara

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    Investment Baghdad: Turkish companies stopped working and left a request from Ankara Empty Investment Baghdad: Turkish companies stopped working and left a request from Ankara

    Post by Rocky Sun 06 Jul 2014, 7:30 am

    nvestment Baghdad: Turkish companies stopped working and left a request from Ankara

    Revealed Investment Authority, Baghdad, on Sunday, that a number of Turkish companies invested in Baghdad stopped working because of the security situation, and confirmed that the Turkish embassy has asked enterprises her to leave Iraq, and while suggesting that "the stoppage is temporary and will return in the event of the stability of the security situation," drew that other investment projects "continuing to work and high rates."

    The head of the Baghdad Investment Commission Shaker Zamili In an interview, (range Press), said that "the security situation in the country cast a shadow over investment projects not only in the areas where armed operations, but even in safe areas," noting that "the capital of Baghdad and one of the those areas affected by the security conditions, where a number of companies decided to stop work and leave their investment. "

    Zamili added that "the companies that left the projects and stopped working out are Turkish companies," adding that "a number of Turkish companies but not all stopped working and also showed us why these companies are the security situation in the country."
    He Zamili that "Turkish companies showed that its embassy in Baghdad told them since the early days when there were clashes in the province of Mosul to leave Iraq temporarily," pointing out that "companies assured us that her departure was not final and will be returning very close if the return of the security situation to its former condition" .

    The Zamili that "the wheel of investment in Baghdad did not stop the exit of the Turkish companies, but there are investment projects ongoing work by the high rates as well as the existence of companies expressed a desire to obtain investment licenses for a number of sectors in the capital," returned the "evidence is not affected by other companies companies Turkish stalled. "

    The Minister of Youth and Sports, Jassim Mohammed Jaafar said, in the (June 24, 2014), "not to leave" the Turkish company implementing the project Sadr City Stadium 30 thousand spectators, and among the company was "trimmed" from its owners keen to workers.

    A source familiar with the Sports City project in Sadr City in the 22 of June 2014, that the Turkish company executing the project left Iraq abruptly after the events of the connector without the News of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and among that her departure came under governmental request Turki, confirmed her return in the event of stabilizing fully in Iraq.

    The Turkish company implementing the project Stadium Sadr City left Iraq directly, two days after the events that took place in the province of Mosul without News by the Ministry of Youth and Sports to leave.

    The U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan confirmed on Friday (July 4, 2014), the importance of "peace," in Iraq, and striking to the need for "cooperation between all communities," in the country, while welcomed Biden launched Daash release Some Turkish citizens detained in Iraq.

    The French news agency, announced Wednesday (June 11, 2014), that the organization Daash kidnapped Turkish consul in the city of Mosul and 24 people working in the consulate, as she noted the Turkish government to contact the kidnappers in order to "ensure that the diplomatic mission."

    Turkey is the first trade partner of Iraq, where the volume of trade with Turkey to about 12 billion dollars annually, while some statistics indicate that about 75% of that trade with the Kurdistan region.

    As Turkish companies play a clear role in the construction sector and business in the region, as well as the role of the founder of the domestic oil sector, which preceded the entry of other companies in the region and work.

    The organization (Daash) may impose its control over the northern city of Mosul, the center of the province of Nineveh, (405 km north of Baghdad), in (June 10, 2014), and seized the security headquarters where the airport, and released hundreds of detainees, which led to he married hundreds of thousands of the families of the city to the surrounding areas and the Kurdistan region, also extended Activity Daash, to the provinces of Salahuddin, Kirkuk and Diyala.

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