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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary Law: Borrowing law scenario will be repeated in budget vote

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliamentary Law: Borrowing law scenario will be repeated in budget vote Empty Parliamentary Law: Borrowing law scenario will be repeated in budget vote

    Post by Rocky Tue 09 Mar 2021, 8:40 am

    Parliamentary Law: Borrowing law scenario will be repeated in budget vote

     2021-03-09 06:51
    Shafq News/ The Parliamentary Legal Committee on Tuesday expected to repeat the scenario of the borrowing law in the general budget vote next week, while indicating that the presidency of parliament will hold a meeting with political forces before the date of the budget vote.

    "The Parliamentary Finance Committee has completed all articles of the 2021 general budget law except article 10 and 11 concerning the share of Kurdistan and sent it to the presidency of the House of Representatives," committee member Saeb Khadr told Shafq News.

    "The presidency of parliament and the heads of political blocs will hold a meeting with the parliamentary finance committee before the date of the vote on the budget law to resolve the articles related to the share of the Kurdistan region, if they do not agree that the scenario of the borrowing law will be repeated in the session vote on the budget," he added.
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