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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    A bloc of Iraqis is calling for large-scale military operations in the liberated areas

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277173
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    A bloc of Iraqis is calling for large-scale military operations in the liberated areas Empty A bloc of Iraqis is calling for large-scale military operations in the liberated areas

    Post by Rocky Sat 13 Mar 2021, 7:52 am

    A bloc of Iraqis is calling for large-scale military operations in the liberated areas

    •  Time: 03/12/2021 23:47:09
    •  Read: 4,849 times

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    {Politics: Al Furat News} The Iraqi Parliamentary Bloc strongly condemned the terrorist operation in the village of Albu Dor, south of Salah al-Din Governorate, at dawn today, Friday.
    Al-Mukhtasar al-Mufid .. In important news, you can find it on the Al Furat News channel on the Telegram .. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    The head of the bloc, Hisham Al-Suhail, said in a statement that the Euphrates News Agency received a copy of it, that "the recurrence of terrorist operations that kill citizens require more activation of the intelligence effort and increased coordination between the security and military forces and the mobilization in these areas."
    And he demanded that "the government carry out military operations in the liberated areas to eliminate the remnants of terrorism."
    Al-Suhail prayed to "God, glory be to Him, to bless the martyrs with the breadth of His mercy, and grant their families patience and comfort."
    The Joint Operations Command announced this evening that "the joint investigative committee in charge of investigating the heinous terrorist crime that took place in the village of Albu Dor in Tikrit has completed investigations into the incident and concluded that the perpetrators of the crime are elements of the terrorist ISIS that infiltrated the village on foot while wearing military uniform under the pretext." They searched the homes of the murdered on the outskirts of the village, and carried out their treacherous crime against defenseless innocents who are known for their national stances.
    She added, "The security forces have identified the person responsible for the crime and he is from the former residence of the village, where the families expelled him from their village in order to reject his terrorist acts and he came to avenge these defenseless innocent people and their noble sons, and the crime resulted in the martyrdom of six members of one family, an affiliate in the Salah al-Din police, and a lawyer." .

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