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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    07~12~2014 Horoscopes


    Posts : 854
    Join date : 2012-12-19
    Age : 54

    07~12~2014 Horoscopes Empty 07~12~2014 Horoscopes

    Post by Cat561 Sat 12 Jul 2014, 12:42 pm

    You will influence others with your kind contribution of time and your good attitude today. People you hardly know use your actions to help set their own standard of conduct; you are a mentor. You may be working on a volunteer level today. You may not realize how loved and admired you are, particularly in the surroundings that are set up for you. Tonight a camping trip or some other similar enjoyable outing is in order. Allocate the little errands that will help you and others get off to a timely start on this trip. You are spontaneous, independent and on the move. This evening, you enjoy the opportunities to relax and visit with loved ones. This is a perfect time to get to understand and move closer to the family or to your friends.

    With chores out of the way this morning, you could become restless. Someone could challenge you on a very sensitive issue. You may touch upon a very emotional part of yourself and find yourself analyzing circumstances. Wise challenges help you grow; other challenges leave us empty. Now is a good time to choose your response to a challenge; first decide about the wisdom of it all. You could enjoy visiting a bookstore or library this afternoon. You enjoy learning about new psychological insights and self-help techniques. You are a walking encyclopedia with a yen to know a little bit about everything and everyone. The urge to talk, write and listen to opinions all culminate in a book, or in an education. The evening is romantic.

    A clear-minded insight into your own plans and methods is available to you now. This is a very good time to communicate your goals and put them into words. You are in top form when it comes to mental activity. Your contribution is positive. You draw emotional sustenance and a sense of security from ideals, friends and social involvement. Change and inner growth tend to come through your relationships with both friends and lovers. Alliances will be very important at this time–not at all superficial. You make the effort to get to the heart of important matters and relationships are very important. There is a strong drive to be seen and known–to communicate yourself to others. This evening you are full of wit and sharp insights while visiting with friends.

    This is a nice day that should just move along very well. In particular, you will do well in activities that include children, young people and your home surroundings. A new goal will surface in your mind today and you will find ways to focus on developing some ideas that will help you accomplish a goal. You could feel real support and harmony at this time for circumstances and for those around you today. Something you may want to do will have others volunteering to join with you. There is an opportunity to show off your skills in the department of decorating or repairing and updating some out-of-date room or forgotten talent. Today, you will find it easy to work with animals, music, color, fabric and the arts.

    Good for you–you have found new ways to help others and are also learning many new things about better dieting, health tactics, ecology and conservation. New or alternate life styles and ways to make a living may interest you now. Some of your vacation time could be spent in research toward some long-desired goal. This may mean a stop-smoking program. You like to care for people and things–particularly the good earth. If there is time and room, you could set aside time to create a vegetable or herb garden. To relax by gardening may prove to be great therapy. You may bounce between the independent person you feel yourself to be, to a more conservative inclination. This could be an ongoing battle. Music is soothing this evening.

    This is a rewarding day. Whatever may need your attention will be successfully completed. It may be a trip to the library, a wild exploration or a drive to complete the weekend chores. You are learning to trust those intuitive feelings of yours. There will be opportunities to also lend a helping hand to others. This afternoon, a friend in need will not suffer from a lack of your support. There are celebrations this afternoon. Finding new ways to make dreams come true for yourself and others is a common topic of discussion. There may be a young person you have in mind to receive a gift. People love to listen to what you have to say and may even come to you for guidance. You appreciate your circumstances and enjoy sharing with friends this evening.

    There could be a sense of challenge or blockage just now. You may not find others much interested in your favorite pastime. Occasionally, we must learn to enjoy a little time to ourselves and allow others to enjoy a bit of alone time. Perhaps a new focus is needed to re-plan the weekend. Some sort of temporary obstacle may appear that could cause frustration. This is a good day, however. Consider getting your chores tended to before you run off to be with friends or to enjoy your hobby–this will also help you to focus. The afternoon moves along very well. Conversations of an inspiring kind may be in order. There are some young people in your life that you enjoy teaching; today is no exception. Young people enjoy being around you.

    Broadening your intellectual and spiritual horizons takes on a high priority now. Being in touch with ideas and people on a grander scale keeps your mind busy. This may mean a science project, or competition or convention environment, is stimulating and will spur the thinking process and help you stretch beyond the normal thinking. Circumstances should work together to help bring out your ideals and make it easier to make your dreams real. You may find yourself examining and testing your ideals. This is a good time to project your image. Do not go overboard in your activities–find some rest and relaxation times to refocus your thoughts. Tonight is for relaxation and you will find some special time with a loved one is possible.

    There are temptations to purchase items that could end up not making you as happy as you think. What you think you want today may not have any appeal to you a few days from now. Compare prices first. You may want to wait for a better quality item. The process of shopping around could save you a great deal of money. Saying or writing with style comes natural now and you may decide to create poetry, greeting cards or some other artistic expression. You have a desire to learn and be expressive and may decide to take a class in order to fine-tune your talent. A sociable, congenial, slightly frivolous orientation begins this evening when you may discover an upcoming event to attend. Perhaps a school reunion with old friends is coming

    You appear more charming than usual today and may have plans to visit friends. Now is a good time to approach that special person you want to date, or otherwise make yourself known. You have an instinctive urge to get serious about taking care of yourself at many levels. Diet, exercise and work somehow mean more at this time: you want to feel good about yourself and the way you do things. A gift or a new purchase brings a boost to your self-confidence this evening. Tonight you may decide to spend a little time developing some ideas you have for some personal projects. Writing is a talent in which you enjoy becoming absorbed. You may find writing a form of relaxation as well as a means for creating a little extra income.

    Be wise and create in yourself a backseat type of attitude today. Observe how other people solve problems in particular situations so as to learn and complement your own techniques. You may be chosen to take over some sort of group today. Before you take over controls, a question-and-answer time will be important. Take some time to think through negotiations. Put into effect all those plans that you have been nurturing lately. Guiding and encouraging others is a fun hobby of yours. You may find yourself volunteering or working at a church or young people’s organization. You encourage the young people in your area to find things that will busy the mind and lift the spirit, such as music; model trains, planes or boats; amateur radio, etc.

    Taking care of business at home is a major theme now. You crave organization and practicality and you want to get things accomplished. You may find yourself hanging pictures or moving plants. Your aim for today is to have a place for everything. Health and work goals take on a great deal of importance for you as well and you may find yourself rearranging furniture in order to fit in that newly purchased exercise machine. Your keyword now is responsiveness–the ability to respond wisely. You can find yourself enjoying all sorts of good relationships, and these allow you to see yourself more clearly. You are a genius at bringing out others and getting them to do things, a born strategist. Contact some of those wonderful friends of yours with a card today

      Current date/time is Tue 21 Jan 2025, 12:14 am