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    Industry and Minerals put forward a plan to operate the idle factories

    Admin Assist
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    Industry and Minerals put forward a plan to operate the idle factories Empty Industry and Minerals put forward a plan to operate the idle factories

    Post by Rocky Wed 14 Apr 2021, 8:02 am

    Industry and Minerals put forward a plan to operate the idle factories

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    On Wednesday, the Government Media Cell announced that the Ministry of Industry and Minerals had drawn up a plan aimed at reviving a number of stalled factories.
    "The Ministry of Industry and Minerals has prepared a targeted plan within the national project to rehabilitate and operate the stalled factories and factories across the country, after it adopted a campaign to achieve the slogan raised by Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi (Made in Iraq)," the cell said in a statement seen by Al-Iqtisad News. In order to revive Iraqi industry and enhance local production, in order to revive Iraqi industry and enhance local production.   
    The cell indicated that "the Ministry of Industry during the last six months of the year 2020 has made tangible progress in implementing its government curriculum and a number of achievements to promote and revitalize the Iraqi industry again through the implementation of the stalled plant rehabilitation plan of 83 factories, and in three short-term stages that include (17) medium-term plants, which included (24) long-term plants, which included (42) factories, in addition to establishing production lines and new projects, supporting entrepreneurs and unemployed graduates, granting foundation licenses, allocating plots of land for industrial projects, diversifying and increasing the products of the Ministry of Industry, as well as Supporting small and medium enterprises and industries, striving to activate laws to protect local products and customs tariffs, holding an exhibition (Made in Iraq), reassessing investment projects and contracts, encouraging and supporting investment and partnership with the empowered and efficient private sector and others.
    She affirmed that she "continues to support small and medium enterprises and adopts a project to support young people and graduates, by converting the entrepreneurial ideas of young graduates into productive projects by simplifying procedures for granting licenses to establish industrial projects, as establishment licenses were granted to (416) industrial projects in various fields, including (131) A project for young graduates and granting (8) loans through the industrial bank and providing sites for (7) industrial projects at nominal wages, rehabilitating, operating and opening (11) industrial projects out of (17) factories within the short-term plan that included lines and factories for the production of steel balls, oxygen gas and pipes. And irrigation systems with axial sprinkler, cement and asphalt products in all governorates, etc. "
    The statement indicated that "this has contributed to employing (608) employees in it, and the ministry is continuing to implement its plan to rehabilitate and operate the rest of the factories. The ministry has also made remarkable progress in providing local products through its various companies, which amounted to (816) products distributed by (356) products in The field of medicines and (311) textile products and (149) various products. It was also able to achieve progress in implementing industrial cities projects, as the percentage of completion of the industrial city in Dhi Qar governorate reached (98%) and the implementation of (65%) of the city’s first phase project. Industrial City in Anbar Governorate, as well as the advanced achievement ratios for the industrial cities of Basra and Nineveh.   
    The statement mentioned that "the Ministry of Industry has also worked to re-evaluate the stalled and stalled investment projects and to activate work on productive projects to provide local products and maximize revenues, as the ministry has implemented (145) projects, of which (42) projects and (24) projects have reached completion rates between (50) - 90%) and (43) projects, the completion rates of which reached more than (90%) and (36) projects with completion rates of less than (50%), in addition to implementing other plans for production by reducing expenditures, increasing revenues, treating surpluses, and supporting the manufacturing and strategic industries. Such as petrochemical industries, operating iron and steel plants, capacity building, administrative reform, and others. "
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