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    Saleh: The government will contest the budget before the Federal Court

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Saleh: The government will contest the budget before the Federal Court Empty Saleh: The government will contest the budget before the Federal Court

    Post by Rocky Thu 22 Apr 2021, 7:07 am

    [size=35][size=35]Saleh: The government will contest the budget before the Federal Court[/size]
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    2021-04-22 | 02:59
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    The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, announced, on Thursday, that the government will challenge more than 10 articles in the federal budget law for the current year, before the Federal Court.

    Saleh said in press statements, that "the government will challenge the federal budget law for 2021 before the Federal Court," indicating that "the House of Representatives has made amendments to the budget that put a constraint and a burden on the executive authority, including increasing expenditures and increasing the deficit."

    Saleh considered that "the additions made by the House of Representatives to the Federal Budget Law are an interference between the work of the authorities," indicating that "the government has the right to appeal these amendments and additions made by the Council before the Federal Court."
    The advisor indicated that "the constitution defines the powers of the parliament by adding paragraphs to the budget law and is not amended, but in the event that there are amendments, they will be in consultation with the government. On the contrary, the executive authority has the right to file an appeal before the Federal Court on these changes and amendments."
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    Saleh expected that "the number of articles that will be challenged before the Federal Court may exceed ten articles," stressing that "the decision on the constitutionality of these amendments is up to the court to decide on them."

    He continued, "There is another issue facing the budget work is the mistakes that occurred in the budget law that was referred to the Presidency of the Republic in order to correct it after its arrival by Parliament, in which there is a difference in estimates and funds," considering that "these corrections in the budget law are routine."

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