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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Iraq pays a new compensation payment to Kuwait: 1.7 billion out of 52.4 billion dollars remain

    Admin Assist
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    Iraq pays a new compensation payment to Kuwait: 1.7 billion out of 52.4 billion dollars remain Empty Iraq pays a new compensation payment to Kuwait: 1.7 billion out of 52.4 billion dollars remain

    Post by Rocky Wed 28 Apr 2021, 8:34 am

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    Baghdad - IQ  
    The United Nations Committee on Settling the Claims of Those Affected by the Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait in 1990 said on Wednesday (April 28, 2021) that it paid an additional $ 380 million, bringing the total amount it paid to compensation claimants to $ 50.7 billion .
    The committee clarified that accordingly, the Kuwaiti government has an amount of $ 1.7 billion, to meet a pending demand made by the Kuwait Petroleum Corporation for its lost oil production and sales as a result of damage to the oil fields.
    The payments come from Iraqi oil revenues and are delivered every 3 months .
    According to the committee's statement, based on a decision taken in 2017, payments were set at 0.5% of Iraqi oil revenues in 2018, 1.5% in 2019, and 3% in 2020 until the compensation payment is completed .
    And the Security Council Committee was established in 1991, and decided that Iraq should pay $ 52.4 billion to Kuwaiti individuals, companies and government agencies, who suffered losses due to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait .
    The claims are paid from the United Nations Compensation Fund, which receives a percentage of the proceeds from the export sales of Iraqi oil and its products, and this rate was set at 5% at the beginning, and the percentage was reduced on more than one occasion until the final amount was agreed upon in 2017.
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    Interacting Investor
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    Iraq pays a new compensation payment to Kuwait: 1.7 billion out of 52.4 billion dollars remain Empty Re: Iraq pays a new compensation payment to Kuwait: 1.7 billion out of 52.4 billion dollars remain

    Post by weslin3 Wed 28 Apr 2021, 10:13 am

    So they still owe... [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] 

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    Interacting Investor
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    Iraq pays a new compensation payment to Kuwait: 1.7 billion out of 52.4 billion dollars remain Empty Re: Iraq pays a new compensation payment to Kuwait: 1.7 billion out of 52.4 billion dollars remain

    Post by Diamond Wed 28 Apr 2021, 1:50 pm


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    Iraq pays a new compensation payment to Kuwait: 1.7 billion out of 52.4 billion dollars remain Empty Re: Iraq pays a new compensation payment to Kuwait: 1.7 billion out of 52.4 billion dollars remain

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