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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    07~15~2014 Horoscopes


    Posts : 854
    Join date : 2012-12-19
    Age : 54

    07~15~2014 Horoscopes  Empty 07~15~2014 Horoscopes

    Post by Cat561 Tue 15 Jul 2014, 1:44 pm

    A greater appreciation for things of value and the idea of value itself is in order now. This could be a time in which there are strong desires for material goods. This may not be the best time to acquire material items but a good time to plan. Your attention may be drawn to the psychic realm this afternoon–perhaps brought on by conversations during the noon break. You love everything mystical. You are an idealist of the first order and value dreams, visions and anything that points beyond the everyday. Art, poetry and imagination you appreciate. Needless to say, you are not noted for practicality; careful. You are driven to what unifies us all. It is good that you see what we hold in common, rather than our differences. Music induces sleep

    This is a great time to work with another person or within groups. The exchange of ideas continues through the afternoon. This may mean lectures, teaching, conference meetings, etc. Learning, knowing a little about a lot of things, staying in touch and on top of the latest developments satisfies a need for mental stimulation. You put forth a lot of effort today. Your drive and ambition works well with whatever management skills and practical ability you have. Put your mind to work and take care of any details that you may have–mental discipline should be easy. This afternoon you catch up on reading your hobby magazines or purchasing the updated issues and reading and relaxing. Later today you may visit with neighbors.

    Things are happening and your career and projects that depend upon your own ambition and drive are strong. You are able to use good sound thinking and you can feel the fads and trends and make the right moves. You get ahead by taking action. Perhaps you are in the textile or fashion industry and know how to put colors together to add that extra zap to last year’s style. New avenues of creativity are opening up now. If you can show examples of your work or find more ways to articulate your thoughts, you will find some wonderfully positive results. You may find yourself being put to good use by your friends this evening. You may all enjoy comparing recipes for the best barbeque and the best homemade ice cream and begin to plan a party.

    Put your mind to work and take care of any details that you may have, for mental discipline should come easily. You usually display a sharp, nimble mind with a ready wit and you do not disappoint anyone today. You are quick to get insights and see new solutions. Approaching genius when it comes to communication skills, you will volunteer to help others learn a new skill or art form. Slow the tempo a bit this afternoon and enjoy meeting your loved one for an early dinner and perhaps a movie. Shopping or talk of shopping may also be in order. Gifts for a baby or wedding shower may be on your to-do list. If you find yourself alone for the shopping part of your day, you will understand–it may be a blessing in disguise.

    Your sense of the unity behind things spiritual and psychological is clear and felt by those around you. You are, no doubt, a romantic, at home in the world of dreams and images. You enjoy working in these areas now–creative arts, sales and inventions, etc. This is the beginning of a series of years during which you should begin to consolidate and tie down the advances you have made in recent years. It may be best to begin to dig in and strengthen your current position rather than expand outward too much. Your positivism lets you get right to the point. You have plenty of enthusiasm along with an inner self-confidence that burns with its own light. Unusual ideas and novel ways of expressing them play a bigger than usual element in your life now.

    Put your mind to work and take care of any paperwork left undone today. This is a time of good fortune, when things happen mysteriously and are helpful to your projects. Situations are almost perfect for pointing to the improvements that can be made to make work run easier. If you are writing a report, you will find the research simple but proofing your writing will be somewhat time-consuming. It is easy to see where suggestions can be made and you may be the first one to have the ability to present a few ideas for changes, with respect to costs. You will be pleased with the results but you will need to be patient. This afternoon there are plenty of opportunities to socialize. A community group appreciates your volunteer time.

    Obtaining and exchanging information takes on emotional significance now. Being more involved with neighbors or siblings satisfies a deep need to help others in their life choices. You may find yourself guiding someone younger than you in matters of importance. You may perceive how to proceed with plans and decisions regarding your own life situation as well. This is one of your best times to make progress, push forward and rise to prominence. It will be hard for you to do wrong–all the cycles are working in mysterious but positive ways. This is also a time when you may marry or take on a new role in the community. You will be in demand and recognition will be easy. Social get-togethers bring out your unique and unusual qualities.

    You have a natural love of the law and working things through, and you are usually not put off by problems or obstacles. You have the ability to work with others, in particular regarding vocation or career guidance. You can advise and guide in matters requiring work-related decisions and may find yourself doing just that today. Others find you a generous and loving person. You always share what you find and have a lucky streak today as well. There is a take-charge sort of manner. You are a great doer and others accept your ability to take control of situations. You are also a good team player. You may spend a great deal of time reorganizing today. You exercise skill and discipline in anything that affects your career and reputation.

    You tend to carry a lot of mental energy and tension, and this can suddenly erupt when you are not kept busy. The ways in which you speak, think and use your mind can bring about sheer insight and brilliance. At other times you may have very conventional ideas. Your insight and vision into what unites people and into the dreams and mystical regions of our mind are profound. You have an enchanting way of working and communicating with others in these matters, as well as with music and the arts. New paths to world or personal unity are a major interest now. You have a very practical sense of how to make your dreams real. This is a good time to examine and think about what is important and of lasting value. A creative project is successful at this time.

    You have the mind of a lawyer, always able to size up a problem and come up with a solution. Using your mind to negotiate obstacles and handle dilemmas is a great talent. You have an innate ability to guide and lead others through the hurdles and hassles of life. You could be very much in demand to lend a helping hand as a counselor today. Your career is smooth until the question of personal freedom is approached. Successful career moves or a promotion may demand conformity and perhaps tone down your unconventional habits. You may have to go along in order to get the right job. Careful–this is a source of some tension and your tendency to rebel can get you in hot water. There is progress through communication this afternoon.

    Perhaps it is time for a well-deserved vacation. Planning short trips can be fun too and that may be the topic of conversation most of this day. Perhaps you are new in town and others will point out some great places to visit. You are a born doer, with an incredible drive to accomplish whatever is put in front of you. Your ambitions are backed up by the will to get things done. Fun communications and a reasonable workload make today run smoothly and quickly–never a dull moment. You try hard and you always push on toward whatever goals you have in mind. Helping others in a team situation is favored this evening–rewards and recognition are in the making. Helping a coach or substituting for a coach gives you important inside information.

    The word here is accomplishment. If there is an unfinished job today, you can lead others to complete the task or stay after work and do it yourself. A prodigious worker, you pour yourself into any task with absolute determination. You are responsible to the extreme and can take on obligations as though you just cannot get enough. You enjoy discipline and limitations are seen as opportunities rather than as handicaps. It might be a good idea to try and get this positive attitude of yours over to others before attempting group projects so that you are not stuck with all the work. You would make a good teacher of others in matters of organization, practical competence, etc. Self-expression, such as show business, proves rewarding.

      Current date/time is Thu 23 Jan 2025, 3:55 pm