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    Moves to eliminate the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings

    Admin Assist
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    Moves to eliminate the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings Empty Moves to eliminate the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings

    Post by Rocky Wed 16 Jul 2014, 7:04 am

    Moves to eliminate the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings

    7/16/2014 0:00 

    Interior recorded 37 crime .. and opened the house to house victims 
    of Baghdad morning 
    working staffs Department anti-trafficking efforts of quick and large to eliminate these crimes after the training cadre at various joints of the management of this file. 
    comes at a time opened by the Ministry of the Interior house to house victims of these crimes in line with global developments in the treatment of the damage inflicted by a seducer of them. material legal director of the human rights department, Major General Hadi Rseg said "morning": that the Department of Anti-Human Trafficking, which soon will turn to the Directorate of modern configuration is not the fact that there was legislation in place earlier in the Penal Code Iraqi punished for various types of this crime under Articles 240 and 393 competent offenses and thefts. , adding that the development of this crime and the spread in Baghdad and other provinces to pay the state and the Interior Ministry to the introduction of the Law on Combating the Crime of Trafficking in Human Beings No. 28 of 2012, which included legal materials punish the culprit for this crime In ascending from imprisonment to three years down the death penalty for the existence of crimes are considered in law a felony grand. continued Rseg: that the entry of this law into force resulted in the formation of a central committee to combat human trafficking by the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers comprising the Ministry of Interior and representatives of the degree of general managers for the UN High Commissioner Human Rights and the National Intelligence Service and the ministries of labor and social affairs, human rights, health, transport, financial and Displacement and Migration, Justice and Women's Affairs and the Interior of the Kurdistan region, its mission meeting periodically to discuss ways to develop mechanisms to reduce trafficking in human beings inside and outside Iraq as a universal crime of interest to organizations, international migration and the European Union. Units investigative and explained that the department has introduced a modular investigative especially in this area, two of them in Baghdad, while opened people similar in all provinces headed by governors and linked to the center, indicating that the Directorate has introduced a hotline free number (533) to report any case of human trafficking and to provide protection for victims and works with all the communication networks and the clock and receives all information and complaints are on the track to take prompt measures and actors, especially the ministry considered the crime of trafficking in human beings is no less dangerous for the crimes of terrorism. also stressed that the Directorate of Training at the ministry introduced police officers and intelligence courses in the light of the curricula of ministerial for training on combating trafficking in human beings and attended by many of the employees of Baghdad and the provinces, also held workshops and other courses in Baghdad and the Kurdistan region to develop the skills of workers and raise their level to the extent that they can eliminate crime. pointed out that the ministry has opened a shelter for victims of human trafficking crimes in Baghdad is the work of modern Iraq and linked to house the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the supervision and coordination of the Ministry of Interior through the appointment of 15 employees of the college graduates Department of Psychology and working sociologists, noting that the house is equipped and furnished with all the amenities and recreation for the victims of all the medical, social and places of comfort, including contribute to alleviate the stress factor on the victims and the rehabilitation of psychology and bring them back to the community, stressing the readiness of the house for the reception of the victims through bring them by obtaining a judicial decision. stressed Rseg that the work of the division needs to unite all parties, particularly the media to promote the dangers of these crimes on children and young people The young women and prevent their exploitation, adding that the ministry statistics indicate the occurrence of 37 crime under the law of the crime of trafficking in human beings, including tuning 9 crimes in 2010 and in 2011 crimes in the year 2012 one crime in 2013, eight crimes in the year 6 crimes after they are caught offense proven to the light of intelligence information and ambushes and record their statements and confessed to the nature of the criminal act, which acquired were sentenced to many of them and them on trial now, as the section has information on doctors and hospitals several dealing with this crime and we asked the Supreme Judicial Council to tighten sanctions on them. monitoring hospitals and among the measures seriously taken in control hospitals that it is possible the occurrence of such crimes where the Medico-Legal Institute, which got the crimes of theft of members of the dead, adding that surveillance is indicated for those crimes in hospitals in civil and government because the process of the transfer of parts not only be done by a doctor technician and hospital owned medical equipment transporting human organs between two people, as well as the section has coordinated with tour companies that are looking for a profit only in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to determine visa exclusively in her hand and give it to those who deserve not to damage the country's reputation. stressed the necessity of activating the role of the family in control of her sons and their absence from home for days or monitoring the health of the children after the arrival of the matter to the selling of human organs as a commodity unusual Like goods in the markets, noting that prices varying stock rise from one million to seven or ten million dinars and there Smamrh run these operations, stressing that more members that are sold kidneys, as well as brokering to children Reconstruction 8 to 10 years of use out begging Kmtagerh, as well as the brokerage to trade in girls and sold both inside and outside Iraq, as well as foreign workers, signed by crimes such as female Ugandan who work as maids subcontractor and without official approval, noting that the methods of committing crimes are made ​​through the sale or exploitation or kidnapped.

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