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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Calls for the establishment of the first Arab space agency, modeled on NASA, based in the UAE

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Calls for the establishment of the first Arab space agency, modeled on NASA, based in the UAE Empty Calls for the establishment of the first Arab space agency, modeled on NASA, based in the UAE

    Post by Rocky Sat 29 May 2021, 7:13 am

    [size=52]Calls for the establishment of the first Arab space agency, modeled on NASA, based in the UAE[/size]

    Cairo press release

    The Organization for Justice and Development for Studies has sent calls to the United Arab Emirates and all Arab countries to establish and establish the first terrestrial space agency, modeled on the NASA space agency, to be based in the UAE with contributions from all Arab countries

    The official spokesman of the organization, Zidan Al-Qanaei, said that the establishment of the first Arab space agency would lead to a change in the Middle East region in the field of astronomy, provided that all Arab countries, led by the Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt, the Sultanate of Oman and the rest of the Arab countries, would contribute to financing that agency, funding scientific research and launching space missions.

    The UAE researcher called for the establishment of the first university specialized in the field of astrophysics in Dubai in light of the leadership achieved by the UAE in the field of space science and the interest of Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed and Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid to develop scientific research fields in the field of space science to be a university for all Arab researchers and a nucleus for the establishment of the prospective Arab Space Agency

    He added that the establishment of an Arab space agency is consistent with the vision of Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, to develop and modernize the Middle East region, and the vision of the sheikhs of the UAE to develop areas of research in astronomical sciences.

    The United Arab Emirates has officially entered the global race to explore outer space through a project to send the first Arab probe to Mars, the Al-Amal probe.
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