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    Maliki's nomination as vice president

    Admin Assist
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    Maliki's nomination as vice president Empty Maliki's nomination as vice president

    Post by Rocky Sun 20 Jul 2014, 1:50 pm

    Maliki's nomination as vice president

    Khabaar Khaba 20.07.2014

    Et al - Saadi Youssef

    MP for mass citizen Salim Shawki on the nomination of the leader of a coalition of state law, Nuri al-Maliki for the position of Vice President of the Republic.

    Shawki said in a statement singled out by the reporter Agency for News News (et) that the National Alliance has no red lines against Najafi and what is going on now in the corridors of the coalition does not conflict with Najafi nomination as vice president.

    He added that the problem is enshrined in the nomination of the prime minister, adding that the National Alliance and Maliki reached about convictions disqualified for the third term, and he has to respond to the opinion of the religious authority and political forces.

    And the MP for the Bloc citizens that there are many possibilities floated in front of the political arena, including al-Maliki step down as prime minister to be vice president, and there is no response to this proposal.

    For her part, MP for the coalition of state law, high Nassif that the leader of a coalition united Osama al-Nujaifi and his brother, Ethel are part of a conspiracy against Iraq and part of the sale of land of the Kurds and Arab complicity with them.

    Nassif said in a statement summarized by the reporter Agency for News News (et al) there are too many question marks about Osama Najafi, indicating that the position of vice president is a ceremonial position and not be subject to subject to him by the House of Representatives and the law.

    She MP for the coalition of state law that the president is the one who chooses his deputies and we as a state law to have a lot of outlet to choose Osama Najafi for the post of Vice President of the Republic.

    He had announced the National Union of Forces, Sunday, on the nomination of president of a coalition united to reform Osama Najafi for the position of vice president, while stressing that the Najafi is the only candidate for this position within the elections.

    The MP for the Union Nahida Daini in a press statement, seen by the Agency for News News (et) that "the Union of the national forces decided after a meeting to discuss the elections of the Union for the posts of vice-president and the ministers, the nomination of president of a coalition united Osama Najafi, vice-president of the republic."

    She Daini that "Najafi candidate only this position within the elections, especially after the abdication of the position of Speaker of the House to MP Salim al", noting that "initial agreement of the Union candidacy Najafi for this position and we do not have another candidate instead of him."

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