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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Head of the Integrity Commission: The priorities of our next work are access to state institutions t

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    Head of the Integrity Commission: The priorities of our next work are access to state institutions t Empty Head of the Integrity Commission: The priorities of our next work are access to state institutions t

    Post by Rocky Tue 22 Jun 2021, 7:13 am

    Head of the Integrity Commission: The priorities of our next work are access to state institutions to prevent bribery and extortion

    •  Time: 06/22/2021 12:33:36
    •  Reading: 1,599 times

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    {Local: Al Furat News} The head of the Federal Integrity Commission, Alaa Jawad Al-Saadi, confirmed, on Tuesday, that the priorities of work for the coming period in the authority are access to state institutions to prevent bribery and extortion.
    A statement by the commission, which {Euphrates News} received a copy of, stated that "the head of the Federal Integrity Commission, Judge Alaa Jawad Al-Saadi, stressed the need to give public opinion issues that directly affect the lives of citizens the utmost importance, and to provide the capabilities and appropriate atmosphere for speedy resolution, urging focus on major corruption cases without neglect what is below it."
    During his inspection visit to the commission’s investigation directorates and offices in the governorates of Diyala, Kirkuk and Nineveh, Al-Saadi stressed the importance of maintaining the commission’s professionalism and independence and avoiding anything that would go into areas far from its exclusive jurisdiction defined by law, “and I have always been keen on this,” pointing to the importance of the path of accuracy. Objectivity in work and caution against some people exploiting the commission’s work, especially before the upcoming elections, expressing his high confidence in the authority’s cadres, which succeeded in proving impartiality and independence in several situations during its years of operation.
    He pointed out that one of the priorities of our work during the coming days is access to state institutions, especially service ones, and work in the field; In order to prevent cases of bribery and extortion, and obstruction of services provided to citizens, he called for opening all doors of the Authority to all, including honest citizens and employees, and motivating and encouraging them to report cases of corruption.
    He urged the need to continue to work with high professionalism, and to invest in the escalation in the pace of work witnessed by most of the joints of the authority, which was evident through the operations of arresting the flagrant crime that won the approval of everyone, especially citizens, calling for providing ways to make the authority a source of reassurance for everyone, stressing the need to focus on The work of institutions, especially service ones; As it directly affects the lives of citizens, stressing the need to monitor the impact of government spending on those institutions.
    For his part, the Director-General of the Department of Prevention urged the investigation departments and offices that were covered by the visit to raise the level of reports related to monitoring the performance level of government institutions, and to stay away from routine in them. Encouraging these institutions to implement the transparency and protection program for public funds launched by the authority.
    The Director-General of the Department of Relations with Non-Governmental Organizations called on the authority’s cadres in the directorates and offices that the visit witnessed to work on consolidating the citizen’s confidence in the supervisory authorities, enhancing his confidence in state institutions, and urging him to actively participate in the questionnaire for measuring perceptions of bribery in government institutions, stressing that The questionnaire effectively reflects the citizen's viewpoint on the level of services provided by government institutions, and builds bridges of trust between him and the authority.
    These inspection visits complement a series of visits that included most of the commission’s investigation directorates and offices, during which the head of the commission called for the speedy implementation of the commission’s work strategy calling for an escalation of the pace of arrests in flagrante delicto, working effectively and in a team spirit under the umbrella of the judiciary, and access to field work through Permanent presence within state institutions, especially service ones, sensing the needs of the citizen, direct interaction with crises that may arise, and isolating the corrupt who try to bargain or blackmail them, and prevent them from delivering the best services.

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