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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Al-Dahlaki calls on the Presidency of Parliament and the government to find urgent solutions to the

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    Al-Dahlaki calls on the Presidency of Parliament and the government to find urgent solutions to the  Empty Al-Dahlaki calls on the Presidency of Parliament and the government to find urgent solutions to the

    Post by Rocky Mon 05 Jul 2021, 7:42 am

    [size=45][size=41]Al-Dahlaki calls on the Presidency of Parliament and the government to find urgent solutions to the issue of social welfare allocations[/size]
     two hours ago

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    The head of the Parliamentary Committee on Labor, Immigration and Displacement, MP Raad Al-Dahlaki, called for a joint meeting between the Presidency of the House of Representatives and the government, in the presence of representatives of the Parliamentary Labor and Finance Committees, as well as representatives of the Ministries of Finance and Labor, to find urgent solutions to the issue of social welfare allocations.
    Al-Dahlaki said in a press statement, “The people covered by social care are the most segment in the country, suffering from the harshness of life and suffering, especially in light of the current difficult circumstances that have burned green and dry, but unfortunately, the government, although it promised within the procedures included in the white paper and after raising the price of the dollar In exchange for the dinar, additional amounts were allocated to this segment, but no additional amounts were released, in addition to the fact that the allocations that were allocated for this segment are the least that can be achieved, whether to increase the numbers of those covered by the care or increase the amounts granted to them within the salaries.
    Al-Dahlaki explained, “The sums allocated to the social protection network by the Council of Ministers were (5.43) five trillion and forty-three billion, which after the reduction by the Finance Committee became (3.523) three trillion, five hundred and twenty-three billion, and the amount was transferred. The amount of (70) billion of social protection allocations goes to (80) thousand families in the Authority for People with Disabilities and Special Needs who have a “key card” for the salary of a full-time employee two years ago and they did not receive their amounts, which increased the percentage of the deficit in the budget of the Social Protection Authority.
    He continued, "In order to relieve the Ministry of the pressures it is exposed to and so that it can fulfill, even partially, its legal and humanitarian responsibilities, we believe that there is a humanitarian and moral necessity to find legal solutions to address this situation."
    Al-Dahlaki stressed, "The general situation of this segment portends a major humanitarian catastrophe, in the event that the concerned authorities do not take quick measures to contain this humanitarian situation through some transfers that are being taken, which makes us in front of a moral and legal responsibility to invite the presidencies of the House of Representatives and the ministers to hold a joint meeting. In the presence of the relevant committees in Parliament, in addition to the ministries of finance and labor, and within a period not exceeding two weeks, to discuss this file and to come up with urgent decisions that save this oppressed segment from its current situation.
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