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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Al-Rasheed issues new instructions for the loan of 100 salaries and the advances of retirees

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Al-Rasheed issues new instructions for the loan of 100 salaries and the advances of retirees Empty Al-Rasheed issues new instructions for the loan of 100 salaries and the advances of retirees

    Post by Rocky Tue 10 Aug 2021, 6:21 am

    Al-Rasheed issues new instructions for the loan of 100 salaries and the advances of retirees

    •  Time: 08/10/2021 12:47:20
    •  Reading: 780 times

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    {Economic: Al Furat News} Al-Rasheed Bank issued, on Tuesday, new instructions regarding the loan of the 100 salaries and personal advances to the retired borrower.
    And the media office of the bank stated, in a statement that {Euphrates News} received a copy of it, that “the bank decided to exempt borrowers who were previously disbursed loans (100 nominal salaries) from providing a mortgage on a property in the event that the remaining amounts of these loans do not exceed (20) million dinars. And he accepts in his place a bill of exchange at the time of request and the first guarantor.
    The bank explained, "The amendment includes borrowers who submitted a real estate guarantee as a mortgage to the bank, and they can release the mortgage when the loan amount reaches (20) million dinars, whether access is through monthly payments or early payment, in addition to a bill of exchange at the time of demand and the first guarantor."
    He pointed out that "no clearance is granted, but the borrower is given a letter of support to cover the remaining amount with a bill of exchange, and there is no objection to releasing the mortgage."
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