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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Economist: The government has no intention of changing the price of the dollar for two years..and re

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    Economist: The government has no intention of changing the price of the dollar for two years..and re Empty Economist: The government has no intention of changing the price of the dollar for two years..and re

    Post by Rocky Wed 11 Aug 2021, 6:50 am

    Economist: The government has no intention of changing the price of the dollar for two years..and reveals the reason

    •  Time: 08/11/2021 10:51:19
    •  Reading: 988 times

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    {Economist: Al Furat News} An economist ruled out the government's intention to change the dollar's exchange rate and return it to its previous position.
    Basem Jamil Antoine told {Euphrates News}: "The government is not thinking of returning the dollar to its previous value because it found a solution in it, and the white paper agrees on that."
    He added, "There will be no change in the government, neither in the next budget 2022 nor the one after 2023, in the price of the dollar, and it will be a continuous pattern, as purchasing power decreased and the poor became poorer."
    Antoine considered the start of the Ministry of Finance to prepare the next budget as a "good step."
    He pointed out, "The financial deficit decreases because revenues have risen and the financial difference in the price of a barrel of oil approved in the budget from the current price is large and achieves great results."
    It is noteworthy that the Central Bank of Iraq decided on January 19 last to make a significant change in the dollar exchange rate, as follows:
    1450 dinars per dollar, the purchase price of foreign currency from the Ministry of Finance.
    1460 dinars per dollar, the price of selling foreign currency to banks.
    1470 dinars per dollar, the price of selling foreign currency to the public.
    Raghad Daham

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    Economist: The government has no intention of changing the price of the dollar for two years..and re Empty The Iraqi government reveals new developments regarding the price of the dollar and changing employe

    Post by Rocky Sat 14 Aug 2021, 7:52 am

    [size=30]The Iraqi government reveals new developments regarding the price of the dollar and changing employee salaries[/size]

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    Hassan Nazim, a spokesman for the Council of Ministers, revealed, on Friday, the presence of important countries for the Baghdad summit, which is scheduled to be held at the end of this August, while the fate of calculating the dollar exchange rate in the 2022 budget was decided.

    Nazim told the official media, followed by NRTAl Arabiya, today (August 13, 2021), that "the Baghdad summit scheduled to be held at the end of this month will bring important and key countries from the regional neighbors and others."".

    He added, "The Baghdad summit is gaining important axes, the first of which is diplomacy and its impact on the region, especially since Iraq's diplomacy is developing in the current period with a strategic plan that has been drawn up, especially since in this government Iraq is restoring its stability."".

    Nazim stressed that "the first goal is to achieve stability in Iraq through the understandings with the countries of the region, and when the countries of the region stabilize their tensions also ease, and this will be reflected on the stability of Iraq, the region and the neighborhood."".

    He pointed out that "the second file in the Baghdad summit revolves around the economy, especially since Iraq has great economic partnerships with neighboring countries and in the Iraqi-Saudi Coordination Council, including in the field of electricity, petrochemicals, building schools, projects in education, agriculture, culture and other files," noting that "the summit will come out with decisions." An important task related to the economic field and another related to climate change and global warming".

    He cautioned that "the Baghdad summit does not focus on a specific file, whether related to tensions between some countries only, but will bring together all neighboring countries, and any interests of Iraq in this dialogue will be counted, and one of the goals of the conference is to restore Iraq's stability".

    October elections

    The spokesman for the Council of Ministers confirmed that the government is committed to holding early elections on the tenth of next October, and that the government has a proven promise in its government program to hold the elections, noting that “the circulating talk and the different opinions about the elections and their postponement are a matter of the political forces and the government has nothing to do with it, whether the withdrawing or others".
    He explained that "Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi had dialogue with the blocs boycotting the elections in an attempt to restore their role in the elections," noting that "the government approved the date set for the elections on the tenth of October, and the Independent High Electoral Commission announced its readiness and worked according to this date, and the Council of Ministers supported it in everything I asked for exceptions and the government wants to complete the elections".

    Exchange rate and budget 2022

    A spokesman for the Council of Ministers stated that "the file of government appeals in some items of the general budget for the year 2021 is still being considered by the Federal Court, and everyone is still waiting for the results," noting that "the Ministry of Finance has started meetings for preparing the budget for the year 2022 and in coordination with the Ministry of Planning.".

    He stressed that "the government is trying not to fall into the problems of delaying the budget, as happened in the year 2021, so it started from now on arranging the conditions for the budget for the year 2022 and preparing it in a timely manner, and this matter is positive and important."".

    He continued, "The exchange rate is a project that has been on the table for many years before previous governments that did not dare to take it, and it is not new or heresy from this government, so previous governments did not dare to implement it because it would reflect on them negative opinions, media campaigns and otherwise," stressing that "these The government took the initiative and decided to change the exchange rate of the dollar in the interest of the Iraqi economy as a whole".

    He noted that "there may be a negative situation or an increase in prices, but these are partial challenges, but in the overall vision of the reform paper (the white paper), the Iraqi economy will accept greater problems unless the dollar exchange rate changes, so the government benefited from the change in the exchange rate and the projects benefited from this change Also, and that the Iraqi economy will recover little by little, and not only by changing the exchange rate, but for all the decisions and visions of the white paper in this government.".

    salary scale

    Nazim said that "the issue of preparing a new salary scale for employees is one of the contentious issues that are still between the executive and legislative authorities, but it is a problem in the first place related to the legislative authority," noting that "the government cannot change salaries because changing them is a matter of law and the law does not change except before." Parliament".

    He pointed out that "the current economic and health conditions have limited a lot of discussion on this issue," noting that "there are partial solutions launched by ministers for employees with low salaries and as permitted by law, including hazard and professional allowances and legal allowances, but as a total project related to changing this salary scale. A matter of legislative power".

    Degrees of deletion and creation

    He explained that "the ministries of the state prepared the degrees of deletion and creation resulting from the referral to retirement and deaths and began preparing them and sent to the Federal Service Council, which was entrusted with issues of appointments," noting that "the degrees of deletion and creation remain in the ministries, but it is governed by the budget law for the year 2021, which suspended appointments with the possibility of Referring it to the budget for next year, with the possibility of disposing of it sometimes when necessary".

    white paper

    And he indicated that "the achievements of the recently launched white paper cannot be measured, especially since the 2021 budget was approved last May and its instructions were issued in June," noting that "the white paper is a reform plan for long years that exceed 4 or 5 years to come until its effects are shown."".

    Residential projects

    Nazim explained that "the Council of Ministers voted a short time ago on the (Al Rafael) housing project, which is expected to accommodate 350,000 citizens," noting that "this project is huge and will be built in the airport area and includes tens of thousands of housing units, some of which are now being implemented and some The lands will be settled because they belong to other ministries and government institutions".

    He added that "Baghdad preceded the Kurdistan region in the process of establishing serviced residential cities as the Basmaya mega complex project, which is an old project, and apartments were distributed to citizens," stressing that "Al-Kazemi's government took a decisive decision on the issue of distributing the remaining Basmaya apartments, which remained undistributed for a long time due to Because of its high prices, the high amount of interest, and the reduction of the first material payment that is obtained from the citizen".

    Nazim pointed out that "this government reduced the interest and the first payment and reduced the prices of the housing unit, which prompted the citizens to apply for these apartments, which were fully distributed, and this applies to other projects."".

    home project

    Nazim added that "a comprehensive home project for all citizens, and there are hundreds of thousands of plots of land," stressing that more than three million applications have been received, are being audited and will be distributed to those who deserve it.".

    He cautioned that "a good, important and unprecedented home project, and there are other projects for all ministries that can provide land," noting: "In the Ministry of Culture, we opened a new file on existing plots of land that will be converted into housing for employees.".


    Nazim pointed out that "the suspended train project was put up in the Council of Ministers and discussed two or three times, and it has material, economic and technical aspects, and otherwise," noting that "the Council of Ministers voted to initiate this project and gave authorization and signing contracts to the Minister of Transport, and this is considered progress in this matter."".

    Ministry of Culture

    And he indicated that he "focused in the management of the Ministry of Culture, in light of the Corona pandemic and the lack of a budget during a whole year, on conducting internal reforms at the level of the structure, and a new structure for the ministry was completed that led to the deletion of dozens of departments and people that were incorrectly opened for special circumstances," noting that he "Developing a strategic plan for the coming years for the ministry's work through a team of experts, as well as submitting a new law to the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities."".
    He explained that "the old law is the law of the previous regime. Unfortunately, neither a minister nor any ministerial cadre before this period addressed the change of this law, but now the law has been submitted to the House of Representatives".

    He added, "The Ministry of Culture completed the National Day Law and it was submitted to the House of Representatives. As for the departments that were suffering from productivity problems, new plans were developed for the House of Public Cultural Affairs and the Fashion House, all of which lead to an increase in their productivity in the production of books and activities, and so on." He pointed out that "he changed half of the advanced administrative cadre around which corruption and suspicion cases hovered, and that these cases were completed and ended either by dismissing the corrupt or relieving those involved, and new cadres were appointed from general managers and heads of bodies whose impact appeared in their departments."".

    He noted that "as a result of these changes, the Tourism Authority was able to achieve profits and distribute the salaries of its employees without referring to the Ministry of Finance, and this matter has not been achieved since 2003, as well as the case with the Antiquities Authority in which many corrupt people were isolated and expelled, and this work culminated in the recovery of 17 thousand artifacts. From the United States and other visible pieces that don't appear much in the media".

    two important decisions

    Nazim confirmed that "the Ministry of Culture has been working for a while to issue two decisions; the first is related to the many heritage houses in Baghdad, which form part of the cultural memory and are now in a miserable situation and are subject to extinction," noting that "Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, when he presented a project to give the right to the Ministry Culture is at the disposal of these heritage buildings and homes and granting them to cultural institutions. Request to conduct a study on the subject for these many buildings and for the Ministry of Culture to take over their management and grant them to artistic institutions".

    He pointed out that "the Commission for Antiquities and Heritage developed the study and set the controls, and it was presented last Tuesday to the Council of Ministers and was discussed, and the Council of Ministers voted on it to grant the Ministry of Culture the right to dispose of these heritage buildings and to grant them to important cultural and artistic institutions in order to flourish in the cultural work."".

    Nazim continued: "As for the second decision that the ministry was working on, it was related to state documents, because there is great concern in the Ministry of Culture over the Iraqi state documents that are in the House of Books and Documents in the National Library," explaining that "this house stores all the documents of the Iraqi state in a large hall." Since its establishment a hundred years ago, there is concern about this house after a series of fires that occur due to an electrical short circuit or an active act, so the issue was presented to the Council of Ministers as well so that everyone bears the responsibility of preserving all the documents of the Iraqi state, which are important documents that represent a century of time".

    He pointed out that "he demanded the allocation of 750 million dinars within the emergency budget in order to preserve these documents, and the approval was voted on in order to preserve them because they represent the modern history of Iraq."
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