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    World Food Program: Implementing school feeding in all governorates

    Admin Assist
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    World Food Program: Implementing school feeding in all governorates Empty World Food Program: Implementing school feeding in all governorates

    Post by Rocky Sun 15 Aug 2021, 7:25 am

    [size=52]World Food Program: Implementing school feeding in all governorates[/size]

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    Baghdad: Omar Abdul Latif

    The representative of the World Food Program in Iraq, Ali Reda Qureshi, revealed a plan to expand the “school feeding” program at the national level, and at a time when he confirmed the coverage of about 930 schools with this program, he indicated that the program will be implemented during the next academic year if the attendance is in attendance.
    Qureshi said in an interview with Al-Sabah: “It is important for the United Nations program to have a national policy for school feeding, which we are working on developing with the Ministry of Education, to expand access to more children in need. Expand it to the national level.
    He added that "the method of selecting the items for a single school meal depends on the amount of calories required for the student, and currently the content of the basket provides a sufficient amount of those calories, and increasing the contents of the basket means an increase in the financial cost, while the budget constitutes the biggest challenge for the school feeding project at the present time." He stressed, "The program is seeking support from donors and the international community for the continued success and expansion of the school feeding program, and with more support, better opportunities can be provided for all children in need in Iraq, to ​​enhance their education and their future."And Qureshi indicated that "school meals is a globally recognized social protection program, and contributes to many positive outcomes, including education, nutrition, local economies, job opportunities, and more," noting that "the joint work carried out by the World Food Program with the Ministry of Education is to develop strong evidence And sound to support children at this critical time, and build their long-term success from the start.”
    Disclaimer: All published articles represent the opinion of its authors only[/size]
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