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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Iraq imports goods from China worth 44.66 billion dollars in 6 years

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Iraq imports goods from China worth 44.66 billion dollars in 6 years Empty Iraq imports goods from China worth 44.66 billion dollars in 6 years

    Post by Rocky Mon 16 Aug 2021, 7:54 am

    Iraq imports goods from China worth 44.66 billion dollars in 6 years

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    During the past six years, Iraq imported more than 44.66 billion dollars in merchandise.
    Iraq depends almost entirely on imports, as a result of the halt in production in industry, agriculture and other sectors due to the failure to keep pace with the development taking place after the wars that Iraq fought.
    And "Economy News" obtained government reports, showing Iraq's import of non-oil commodity goods worth more than 44.66 billion dollars.
    China is Iraq's third trading partner, after Iran and Turkey, especially since the majority of Iraqi businessmen have opened factories in China to import electrical appliances due to labor licenses and raw materials. China also imports oil from Iraq daily between 800,000 barrels - one million barrels.
    Professor of economics at Kansas State University in the United States of America, Dr. Muhannad Talib al-Hamdi, told "Economy News" that the first main factor behind the increase in Iraq's imports from China is facilitating the entry of low-quality goods due to the collapse of the system of quality control and control in Iraq and financial and administrative corruption. He pointed out that the greed of importers to achieve maximum profits in the shortest period of time called for them to bring in low-quality goods to be consumed in a shorter period.
    He noted that the level of consumer income in Iraq is low and he prefers to buy relatively cheap goods, in addition to the low educational level of a large proportion of Iraqis that makes them do not differentiate between the types of products according to their quality.
    On the other hand, the economist, Ali Dadush, told Al-Iqtisad News, "China is one of the most prominent importers of Iraqi oil in very large quantities, in addition to the fact that goods of all kinds that are imported from China are considered cheap compared to the rest of the countries exporting goods and other products to Iraq. " .
    He stressed that "Iraq is within the orbit and plan of the Silk Road and the Iraqi lands are the closest and cheapest roads, as they are invested by China in a way that reduces the costs it spends . "
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