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    Al-Kazemi directs the establishment of the Future Generations Fund

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    Al-Kazemi directs the establishment of the Future Generations Fund Empty Al-Kazemi directs the establishment of the Future Generations Fund

    Post by Rocky Fri 03 Sep 2021, 7:09 am

    [size=45][size=41]Al-Kazemi directs the establishment of the Future Generations Fund[/size]
     13 minutes ago

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    The face of the President of the Council of Ministers Mustafa Kazemi, established fund generations next .
    A statement from the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers stated that “ Al-Kazemi directed him to present an integrated study on the establishment of the Future Generations Fund ; To secure the future of Iraq than without relying on a wealth of oil . "
    The directive came during the cabinet meeting , in its thirty- third regular session, held on August 31, 2021.
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    Al-Kazemi directs the establishment of the Future Generations Fund Empty Al-Kazemi directs the establishment of the "Future Generations Fund" to secure Iraq's future away fr

    Post by Rocky Fri 03 Sep 2021, 7:21 am

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    Baghdad - IQ  
    On Friday (September 3, 2021), the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers announced the directive of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, to establish the "Future Generations Fund" to secure Iraq's future away from oil.

    In a statement received by IQ News , the secretariat said  , "The Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, directed to present an integrated study on the establishment of the Future Generations Fund to secure Iraq's future without relying on oil wealth."

    She added, "The directive came during the cabinet meeting, in its thirty-third regular session, held on August 31, 2021."

    Last Tuesday, the Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, wrote a post on Twitter, seen by IQ News, that "we put forward the Generation Fund project that will protect them from complete dependence on oil, and together we will go to the early elections in fulfillment of the promise. Iraq is our only option." .

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    Al-Kazemi directs the establishment of the Future Generations Fund Empty Where will money be deposited in the Generations Sovereign Fund with no financial surplus?

    Post by Rocky Mon 06 Sep 2021, 8:03 am

    [size=30]Where will money be deposited in the Generations Sovereign Fund with no financial surplus?[/size]

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    Baghdad/ Al Mada

    The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, confirmed on Monday that Iraq lacks a sovereign fund, indicating that there is an idea to establish it soon.

    Saleh said that “Iraq does not have a sovereign wealth fund, but it has the bank’s investment portfolio responsible for economic stability and currency stability, and it is considered a semi-wealth of a sovereign fund, and there is also the Iraq Fund for Foreign Development that has investments with joint Arab companies of up to 3 billion dollars and receives Profits, but they are not large, and it is considered a sovereign wealth fund, but it is simple.”

    He explained that "the Gulf countries have formed the largest sovereign wealth funds, in addition to Norway, which has the largest sovereign fund in the world, with an amount of 1.250 trillion dollars, which came from oil revenues," noting that "Norway builds its budget on the basis of balance and the budget surplus goes to various investments. Income and the fund grows, and when the state needs a budget, the profits of the fund block the budget.”

    Saleh pointed out that "the Iraqi government is considering establishing such a fund, but the country has a deficit and not a surplus," noting that "we have proposals to establish an Iraqi sovereign wealth fund, in which amounts equivalent to the Kuwait war compensation will be deposited after the completion of the payment of those compensations in the coming months. And it is supported by any other assets and at the same time it is an investment for mineral wealth that is not invested or neglected, and its returns go to the fund and we establish the Generations Fund and this is called sustainable development.”

    a sovereign wealth fund or sovereign funds; It is a state-owned fund consisting of assets such as land, shares, bonds or other investment devices, and these funds can be described as entities that manage state surpluses for investment and promise billions of dollars invested by states in stocks and bonds.

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    Al-Kazemi directs the establishment of the Future Generations Fund Empty Al-Kazemi’s advisor: Iraq lacks a sovereign fund, and its establishment is still an “idea

    Post by Rocky Mon 06 Sep 2021, 8:06 am

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    Al-Kazemi’s advisor: Iraq lacks a sovereign fund, and its establishment is still an “idea

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     2021-09-06 08:04
    Shafaq News/ The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, confirmed on Monday that Iraq lacks a sovereign fund, indicating that there is an idea to establish it soon.
    Saleh said in an interview with Shafaq News Agency; Iraq does not have a financial sovereign wealth fund, but it has the investment portfolio of the bank responsible for economic stability and currency stability, which is considered a semi-wealth of a sovereign fund, and there is also the Iraq Fund for Foreign Development that has investments with joint Arab companies of up to 3 billion dollars and receives profits, but It's not big and it's a sovereign wealth fund, but it's simple."
    He explained that "the Gulf countries have formed the largest sovereign wealth funds, in addition to Norway, which has the largest sovereign fund in the world, with an amount of $1.250 trillion, which came from oil revenues," noting that "Norway builds its budget on the basis of balance and the budget surplus goes to various investments. Income and the fund grows, and when the state needs a budget, the profits of the fund block the budget.”
    Saleh pointed out that "the Iraqi government is considering establishing such a fund, but the country has a deficit and not a surplus," noting that "we have proposals to establish an Iraqi sovereign wealth fund, in which amounts equivalent to the Kuwait war compensation will be deposited after the completion of the payment of those compensations in the coming months. And it is supported by any other assets and at the same time it is an investment for mineral wealth that is not invested or neglected, and its returns go to the fund and we establish the Generations Fund and this is called sustainable development.
    a sovereign wealth fund or sovereign funds; It is a state-owned fund consisting of assets such as land, shares, bonds or other investment devices, and these funds can be described as entities that manage state surpluses for investment and promise billions of dollars invested by states in stocks and bonds.
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    Al-Kazemi directs the establishment of the Future Generations Fund Empty A new government comment on the Generations Fund

    Post by Rocky Tue 07 Sep 2021, 7:03 am

    [size=36]A new government comment on the Generations Fund[/size]

    political| 08:40 - 07/09/2021

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    Baghdad - Mawazine News

    The Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, said: The government's intention to establish the "Generation Fund" is an important step that is applicable in all countries of the world and was supposed to be started a long time ago, indicating that "this fund will protect future generations and provide wealth that helps them in prosperity and progress." . 
    Saleh stated, "Iraq is one of the countries producing raw materials, and it is the only country that does not have a supporting side wealth, as all countries, when they have high surpluses, try to invest them with assets, either real or financial, to generate returns and income, and the goal of these wealth is to perpetuate the next generation."
    He added that "future generations will either inherit prosperity and progress, or they will inherit ruin, debts and broken infrastructure, which is a great disaster," noting that "all countries with high resources invest them properly for future generations and pass them on to those generations through funds."
    And he indicated that “the Generations Fund is an investment fund whose function is diverse from bonds and shares, that is, real resources that can contain high and efficient income and management to maximize its resources at all times and be supportive of the future of income and wealth for future generations,” noting that “the current generation if it squandered resources, it will create a deficit He bequeaths havoc to future generations, and those generations are waiting for us to work.”
    He continued: "All countries have sovereign funds for generations, and Iraq should turn to this matter," noting that "the financing of this fund will be through raw materials such as oil or any other stocks, and also through deductions that will end, such as the deductions of the Kuwait war, In general, banks contribute to its management, and the fund can have a special management and the use of international consulting companies to manage sovereign wealth funds to take instructions for diversifying and managing them.” Ended 29/A43

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