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    Iraqi Health confirms the trend to implement the health insurance law in 3 stages

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Iraqi Health confirms the trend to implement the health insurance law in 3 stages Empty Iraqi Health confirms the trend to implement the health insurance law in 3 stages

    Post by Rocky Thu 16 Sep 2021, 8:09 am

    Iraqi Health confirms the trend to implement the health insurance law in 3 stages
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    Iraqi Ministry of Health
     September 15, 2021 06:04 PM
    Mubasher: The Iraqi Ministry of Health confirmed, today, Wednesday, its intention to implement the health insurance law in 3 stages, while it clarified its details.

    Volume 0%


    The official in charge of managing the Ministry of Health, Hani Al-Aqabi, said in a press conference with the participation of the First Deputy Speaker of Parliament Hassan Al-Kaabi and the heads of the health and medical unions, according to the Iraqi News Agency, “Aware”, that “a workshop was held today in the House of Representatives to shed light on the health insurance law, which is one of the important laws that legislated in the current parliamentary session.
    And he indicated that "the law was voted on and published in the Iraqi Gazette last February and entered into force in August."
    He stressed that "the Ministry of Health took it upon itself to implement the law and formed the Health Insurance Authority with all its members and from various ministries, planning, finance, labor, unions, doctors, pharmacists, dentists, workers, the Baghdad Chamber of Commerce and other experts."
    He pointed out that "the law will be implemented in three phases," explaining that "the first phase of the law includes the mandatory registration of employed citizens to include them in health insurance, and then in a second phase all citizens voluntarily, and after a few months, when the implementation of the law begins, all citizens will be registered in the third phase." 
    He pointed out that "the law is concerned with increasing the level of health services and providing better services than what exists now." To familiarize citizens with the law, which is important for its successful implementation.
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