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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Minister of Resources: Turkey will release a fair share of water to Iraq

    Admin Assist
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    Minister of Resources: Turkey will release a fair share of water to Iraq Empty Minister of Resources: Turkey will release a fair share of water to Iraq

    Post by Rocky Mon 25 Oct 2021, 5:46 am

    Minister of Resources: Turkey will release a fair share of water to Iraq

    •  Time: 10/25/2021 08:27:13
    •  Reading: 1,118 times

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    {Local: Al Furat News} Minister of Water Resources Mahdi Rashid Al-Hamdani announced that the continuous visits to Turkey have resulted in positive results, including the entry into force of the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2009, and one of its most important provisions is to give a fair share of water to Iraq 40 years ago, an effort that has not been achieved for 40 years. While he waved to file a complaint against Iran in the International Court after cutting off all water imports to Iraq from the Islamic Republic.
    Al-Hamdani said, in a press statement during his participation in the water conference in Cairo: "Like the understandings with Turkey, we hope to reach an understanding
    soon with the friendly neighbor, Iran, because Iraq is the most affected by recent climate changes."

    He added: "The ministry, through the foreign ministry, and the three presidencies demanded to file a formal complaint in the International Court against Iran in order for it to respond
    and release Iraq's share of the water."

    Regarding Iraq’s participation in (Cairo Water Week), Al-Hamdani explained that “Iraq is keen to participate in this week, which is currently being held
    in Cairo, as it is a major international forum that discusses important issues, especially climate changes that have occurred at the world level and the lack of these variables in the water and the effects of these changes in the waters.” all aspects of life.

    He added that "our participation in this forum is the message of attention Iraqi on water, as there are bilateral meetings be conducted by the delegation, especially with the Egyptian side, which we have with great relationships, we are two States, the mouth and we have the same suffering and the suffering of the great challenges at the level of high, so we benefit from the experience large Egyptian in this area, and the Conference for a chance on new technologies facing climate change, Vdilaan provide a workshop at the conference to illustrate climate variables that affected Iraq suffered a drought as some countries, and we'll show the mechanism and the research that we do in order to overcome this the problem".
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