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    The five-year plan exceeds the need by 28%.. Does Iraq export electricity?

    Admin Assist
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    The five-year plan exceeds the need by 28%.. Does Iraq export electricity? Empty The five-year plan exceeds the need by 28%.. Does Iraq export electricity?

    Post by Rocky Mon 15 Nov 2021, 6:41 am

    [size=52]The five-year plan exceeds the need by 28%.. Does Iraq export electricity?[/size]

    [size=45]On more than one occasion, the Ministry of Electricity talks about preparing a five-year plan to raise electricity production to more than 50 thousand megawatts within 5 years, at a time when Iraq’s current production is between 19 to 20 thousand megawatts, where the production of the five-year plan exceeds Iraq’s need by 28% Or by 15,000 megawatts, which raises questions about whether Iraq will export electricity if this production is achieved, which observers see as a little "optimistic" compared to the real data.[/size]
    [size=45]According to the statements of the ministry’s spokesman, Ahmed Al-Abadi, who followed them (Al-Mada), “The plan aims to increase the production of electrical energy in the form of short-term stages within one year and long-term during the next five years.” And he indicated that "the production will be increased during the first year of the plan by a rate of six thousand megawatts, and in the third year 12 thousand megawatts, reaching a production capacity of 54,000 megawatts after the end of the five years." He added that the plan includes "raising production rates, reducing bottlenecks, and introducing some transmission lines that we intend to introduce next summer, in addition to solar energy projects." While the production capacity is currently between 19 to 21 thousand megawatts, however, the production is not enough to meet the full need of electrical energy and make it completely stable without interruption, and thus, the Minister of Electricity and Agency Adel Karim had confirmed earlier that “ Iraq currently needs 35,000 megawatts, which means that we suffer from a shortage of 15,000 megawatts,” a figure that is supposed to provide the electric power completely and completely. And if we calculate the amount of production that Iraq needs of electrical energy according to the number of its inhabitants and thus increase families, consumption, homes and devices, then Iraq, which has a population of more than 40 million people at the present time and needs 35,000 megawatts, means that every 1 megawatt is sufficient to consume a thousand and 143 citizens.[/size]
    [size=45]Hence, it seems strange that the Ministry of Electricity plans to raise production to 54,000 megawatts of electric power during its five-year plan for the next five years, meaning that energy production will have a surplus of about 15,000 megawatts, or approximately 28 percent, which is the figure equivalent to the entire electricity capacity in Last year, as the 15 thousand megawatts is considered a large number of production, and it is not known whether Iraq intends to export it because it would be a surplus and there is no economic feasibility in producing this energy without consuming it.[/size]
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