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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Former Member of Parliamentary Legal: The Federal Court can reject the results and re-election

    Admin Assist
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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Former Member of Parliamentary Legal: The Federal Court can reject the results and re-election Empty Former Member of Parliamentary Legal: The Federal Court can reject the results and re-election

    Post by Rocky Fri 10 Dec 2021, 6:05 am

    Former Member of Parliamentary Legal: The Federal Court can reject the results and re-election

    •  Time: 12/10/2021 15:01:02
    •  Reading: 26 times

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    {Political: Al Furat News} Salim Hamza, a member of the former Parliamentary Legal Committee, said that the Federal Supreme Court could decide to reject the results of the recent parliamentary elections.
    Salim told {Euphrates News}: "The Federal Court does not have the authority to take a decision to re-count and manual count, but it has the right if it sees violations that violate the constitution and the electoral law. It can reject the election results and not ratify them, and oblige the Electoral Commission to set a new date for the parliamentary elections again." He rejected these results.
    He added, "I think that rejecting the results is difficult given the difficult circumstances Iraq is going through, and it is expected that they will be approved after the appeals are resolved," according to his opinion.
    Last Sunday, the Federal Supreme Court held a session to consider the complaint submitted by Hadi Al-Amiri, the head of the Al-Fateh Alliance, against the Electoral Commission for the legal and technical violations it committed and the consequences of the electoral process.
    The court listened to the defenses of the defendant’s attorney (the Commission) on the list submitted by the head of the Al-Fateh Alliance, and the court was interested and proved many of the points mentioned by Al-Amiri as the plaintiff, in particular the reports of the German Examiner Company and the observations it contained on the Commission’s procedures and the hardware and software used in the electoral process.
    Then the Federal Court decided to adjourn the session and set the 13th of this month as the date for another session to consider the case after seeking the assistance of experts to study the reports of the German examining company.

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