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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    A member of the framework: the coordination and the Sadrist movement will enter the parliament sessi

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    A member of the framework: the coordination and the Sadrist movement will enter the parliament sessi Empty A member of the framework: the coordination and the Sadrist movement will enter the parliament sessi

    Post by Rocky Tue 04 Jan 2022, 6:10 am

    A member of the framework: the coordination and the Sadrist movement will enter the parliament session, in agreement

    •  Time: 01/04/2022 14:59:18
    •  Reading: 221 times

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    {Political: Al Furat News} A member of the coordination framework revealed the date of the meeting of the delegation of the framework with the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, in Najaf.
    Wael Al-Rikabi told {Euphrates News}: "The date of the Coordination Framework delegation's visit to Najaf has not yet been determined, but it is certain that it will take place during these two days and before the parliament session scheduled for next Sunday."
    He added, "We still believe that the Sadrist movement and the coordination framework will enter the first session, and they agree that the largest bloc will not leave the Shiite house."
     The coordinating framework confirmed his attendance at the first session of the new parliament, scheduled to be held next Sunday.
    It is noteworthy that Al-Sadr received last Wednesday at his home in Najaf, a delegation from the framework that included the head of the Al-Fateh Alliance Hadi Al-Amiri, the Secretary-General of Asa’ib Ahl Al-Haq, Qais Al-Khazali, and the head of the Popular Mobilization Authority, Faleh Al-Fayyad.
    Shortly after the meeting, Mr. Al-Sadr published on his official pages on social networking sites a paper clip on which was written "a national majority government, neither eastern nor western".
    While Al-Amiri described the meeting as "positive, responsible and based on the strong state's interest and success in the next stage," adding, "The discussion of guarantees of success in building the state will be completed and in the coming days we will have a return to Najaf again."

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