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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Investment opportunities in Iraq are large and need to be international effort

    Admin Assist
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    Investment opportunities in Iraq are large and need to be international effort  Empty Investment opportunities in Iraq are large and need to be international effort

    Post by Rocky Mon 04 Aug 2014, 8:37 am

    Investment opportunities in Iraq are large and need to be international effort 

    8/4/2014 0:00 

    Stage a new work for the National Business Council 
    BAGHDAD - Hussein al-Tamimi Tgb while looking Iraq for a way out of the challenges faced by the process of economic development highlights the need for the international effort Advanced, which in turn needs to be a safe environment and are able to absorb capital and advanced technology, and represents the international effort major international companies active in construction and reconstruction, investment and the sights, heading towards Iraq, which is the front-runner offer job opportunities are many and great, here highlights the question of the most important elements of the attraction of this effort? answer came from a member of the Iraqi National Business Council Abdullah al-Jubouri, in answering the question: "morning" on the decline the desire of companies to invest in the country despite the availability of such great opportunities reported, saying that the legislation governing the process of investment and of the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006, as amended, and which is one of the most important investment laws in the region to be a magnet president for global companies, but this is not enough unless it is accompanied measures simplistic to implement this law, which collides with some applications and disability. attractive environment and added Jubouri that second requirement is how coordination between the government departments concerned with investment to create an attractive environment for businesses and international capital, and to find radical solutions to the intersections occurring between departments, which constitute a major reason for the reluctance of the investment process in country. pointed to the importance of the availability of infrastructure such as bridges and highways, telecommunications, industry, along with the flexibility to complete transactions, including help in facilitating the implementation of investment projects in all regions of the country, which needs a large number of projects in the most productive and service sectors, and this requires initiating the implementation of projects in the infrastructure infrastructure first. global companies and pointed out that the security aspect is one of the most important elements of attracting international investments, especially that most of the global companies focused on the availability of security and stability to come to the heads of their funds to the sector, which is located within the specialization, pointing to the existence of companies have Atercz at this juncture a lot and have a The ability to work in environments that do not have the stability of a senior security because of economic feasibility in this case be large and this enhances the rates of profit for those companies that come with capital and advanced technology to the country. The big companies often stay does not prefer to work with this principle, but are looking for a safe environment because it does not want to risk their own money. Accounts and Audit regarding the latest stressed Jubouri on the importance of activating the role of accountants and auditors and the adoption of the best ways adopted internationally in this area through the promotion of this segment, which lies under important not to allow any case of manipulation associated with operations implementation of investment projects, where the world has witnessed great development in this area requires that tends to work towards communicating with this effort and move to the country through the involvement of Mhaspina in developmental courses within the global centers specialized. single window either in the subject window One has Jabouri said that it requires to activate this subject and make it of investment incentives by finding formulas ideal for her work over the representation of all stakeholders in their work and are treated within this circle without reference to the institutions concerned and that is achievement within a short period of Atthagl the shoulders of the investor and the dispersion of activity . National Business Council and touched on the topic in a very important respect actively Iraqi National Business Council at the stage of a new business after it became a Platform for Action and the internal system, and focus on the orientation towards the international effort to find real partners of foreign investors to operate in Iraq, referring to the quest to overcome all obstacles that limit the presence of the international effort in the country and will be for its members a more active role in the next stage of the national economy. , and concluded by emphasizing the importance of the work on the transfer of successful international experiences of regional and international, who has lived are conditions approach to what is going through the country and was able to access from the circle of reluctance Economic and became Today influential economies in the global arena.

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