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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Labor Intends To Expand The Coverage Of Soft Loans

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Labor Intends To Expand The Coverage Of Soft Loans Empty Labor Intends To Expand The Coverage Of Soft Loans

    Post by Rocky Sat 19 Feb 2022, 6:13 am

    [size=38]Labor Intends To Expand The Coverage Of Soft Loans
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    LAST UPDATE 02/19/2022 | 10:45 AM
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    The Information/Baghdad...
    The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs intends to expand the umbrella of coverage for applicants to establish their own projects, while preparing to launch new batches of soft loans in the coming months.
    The Assistant Director-General of the Labor and Vocational Training Department at the ministry, Abbas Fadel, said in a statement seen by "The Information", that "the ministry seeks to enhance the balance of the lending fund to include a larger number of applicants to establish their projects by paying attention to small projects as they are a fundamental pillar in the prosperity of the country's economy."
    Fadel added, "The ministry has prepared a mechanism to benefit from the amounts of the annual installments recovered for loans by redistributing them among those registered in its database of the unemployed, whose number exceeded one million and 700 thousand," stressing "the ministry's efforts to create job opportunities for the unemployed, according to the allocations prepared for this."
    He explained, "The real breakthrough for the ministry will be in the field of reducing unemployment by following up on loans that have been loaned to the beneficiaries," explaining that "the ministry seeks to organize the labor sector by registering all projects established through the lending fund in the Social Security and the Tax Authority."
    Fadel pointed out that "all the projects established by the lending fund had a real impact on the labor market, which requires educating job seekers about the importance of the loans granted and benefiting from them correctly," revealing "the ministry's intention to launch new batches of loans in the coming months." Similar to the 25 loans she had previously launched. finished/25
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      Current date/time is Sat 25 Jan 2025, 2:36 pm