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    Prices Will Not Return With The Return Of The Exchange Rate

    Admin Assist
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    Prices Will Not Return With The Return Of The Exchange Rate Empty Prices Will Not Return With The Return Of The Exchange Rate

    Post by Rocky Sat 19 Feb 2022, 2:12 pm

    [size=38]Prices Will Not Return With The Return Of The Exchange Rate
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    LAST UPDATE 02/19/2022 | 2:51 PM
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    Books / Muhammad Fakhry Al-Mawla ||
    Hope and the future are twofold. We can say that they are the elixir of life for the simple citizen, even the unsimple, but to a different degree.
    One of these hopes is the return of life and the standard of living in all its details to what was before the exchange rate hike, before answering this question to go back to the tape of events in the nineties and the economic and financial blockade.
    The Iraqi society was waiting for Mr. Baradei's visit to write the final word on Iraq's commitment to the terms of the international agreement, if Iraq was committed, you would find the Iraqi market decreased and if the opposite was repeated, this equation was experienced by the simple and patient citizen with its richness and fatness.
    Of course, this scene was associated with the presence of an actor that controls the rhythm of the economy and trade, namely, the economic security, which strictly tried the government and the law, and the control of borders and the unity of the future economic horizon, even if by a small percentage, to control the course of the economic life of the citizen.
    Let's move to the present, hoping that prices and economic and financial life will return to what was before the decision to raise the exchange rate is a matter that needs scrutiny.
    In theory, it is simple and it can happen, but in practice the reality is completely different (there is no going back to the above).
    Some may be surprised, and some may repeat that we speak with a negative perspective and may...?
    We answer very simply, as the exchange rate was raised, ignoring all the votes that are based on projections, but rather clear indications that there will be a rise in the oil price, so there is no need to raise the exchange rate.
    So, according to the theoretical data, the exchange rate can return and life and livelihood will return with the rise in the price of a barrel of crude oil, the main reason for raising the exchange rate.
    With a close professional look, we must know that there are decisions that have been introduced, including raising the entry tax for materials (customs) and the general tax for many materials in large proportions. These numbers raised government imports on the one hand, and on the other hand, the merchant raised the value of materials that raised all prices starting from the origin, of course here ( An important point) We will stop at this in another article and the transfer to end with the citizen, so there is a system or cycle of money and economy that controlled the scene and raised the price of materials, of course without a supervisory body that monitors traders and control and economic organization that has no horizon with uncontrolled borders, in sum, all of the above misleads the citizen, whether The materials were basic or accessories so that there would be a new price and prices completely different from the old prices.
    As a result, prices will not return to the old exchange rate.
    Unless we consider, with a forward-looking view, what will happen by scattering ashes in the eyes, which is the intimidation that the prices of some materials are going down, a relatively important achievement.
    The most effective solution, according to our limited view, is to control the borders in conjunction with decisions to reduce fees, customs and tax with encouragement or special support for basic materials for the family with a gradual reduction of the exchange rate to ensure stability and balance of living and economies of the simple citizen and do not forget the labor market.
    We are talking here specifically about social groups linked to the poverty line, which is circulated in the media, that the proportion of 40% of the Iraqi people, of course, by adding daily wages or the so-called vulnerable classes.
    Employees in the public and mixed sectors, retirees, and social welfare or what is called within the budget the ruling expenditures, which are approximately 10 million individuals, may be the most affected in a positive way because with the return of the exchange rate the value of their salaries returned, but they will be affected by public markets and the general rise in prices.
    The Iraqi economic and financial scene as a whole, in summary, will not return to the above at prices, and this is an expected result of a hasty decision without a strategic professional perspective.
    Let's finish the future being built and not wait. Let's create a bright tomorrow in which Iraqis will enjoy goodness and prosperity, with a simple concession from adhering to visions for the sake of Iraq and its people, let's hope for a better tomorrow.
    By the way, is it possible at one glance to find the right path? Of course, that is not the most effective way to consult and be informed by the opinion of specialists, for experiences are a waste of time, as is happening now.
    Finally, thanks to Infinity for this puzzle
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