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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    A Summons Tweet .. And A Rejection Letter

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    A Summons Tweet .. And A Rejection Letter Empty A Summons Tweet .. And A Rejection Letter

    Post by Rocky Sun 20 Feb 2022, 6:04 am

    [size=38]A Summons Tweet .. And A Rejection Letter
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    LAST UPDATE 02/20/2022 | 2:48 PM
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    Books / Qassem Al-Gharawi..
    A reading of some paragraphs of the response of the Minister of Finance, Ali Abdul-Amir Allawi, to Mr. Al-Sadr's tweet for hosting him in Parliament.
    A summons from the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives to appear before him on Saturday to discuss the exchange rate. This came immediately after a tweet from Mr. Muqtada al-Sadr asking me to appear directly before Parliament to discuss the exchange rate.
    * It is very clear, as explained by Mr. Allawi, that the summoning of the Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Hakim Al-Zamili from (the Sadrist movement) came as a result of Muqtada al-Sadr’s tweet. What he receives of a sign or instructions, and this is what the Minister of Finance said about him.
    The government is not accountable to any political party. It is only answerable to the Iraqi people through its elected parliament.
    * We hope so, but we believe that any prime minister is subject to his party or current, as well as the ministers, so it is difficult to find a successful government because these personalities are linked to the interests of the parties and not the interests of the nation.
    _ I categorically reject the summons of the Deputy Speaker of Parliament, because it is clear that they are outside his powers. I also completely reject government running through tweets from political leaders, regardless of their popularity and stature.
    * Honorable Minister, the Presidency of Parliament cannot be stripped of its powers, but the most important point on which we agree with you is that hosting cannot take place with the intervention or request of parties outside the political system of any personality.
    _ This decision was not taken simply and the decision was supported by the international community, the Council of Ministers, the Central Bank of Iraq and political parties.
    * Although the exchange rate greatly affected the citizen, but you are not to blame, but the political blocs and currents are the ones who agreed to this decision in the budget and voted on it at a time when they could have refrained, and when the masses asked Mr. Muqtada al-Sadr to intervene, he said that it was the work of specialists
    What we have now is the politicization of the exchange rate
    * Yes, using it as an effective and influential card to win the masses by reducing its price, and it is part of the reform plan advocated by Mr. Muqtada al-Sadr, and those concerned should implement this without hesitation.
    I am ready to defend my position and my economic and financial policy before the House of Representatives.
    * I do not think that you have enough time to defend yourself, you are either (resigned or resigned) because you crossed the red lines), because the issue of confidence in the Minister may be raised based on his desire or a request signed by fifty members, and the number that votes on your dismissal is available in one tweet.
    They stood by me (the Sadrist movement) during many crises, including defending the exchange rate adjustment.
    * You admit and testify that the Sadrist movement stood by you in amending the dollar exchange and today they are asking you to reduce the value of the dollar.
    Finally, Mr. Minister, you are a scapegoat on the altar of reform in the program of the next government under the pretext of the dollar exchange rate.
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      Current date/time is Wed 22 Jan 2025, 2:52 pm