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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliament approves its rules of procedure and to raise its tomorrow

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliament approves its rules of procedure and to raise its tomorrow Empty Parliament approves its rules of procedure and to raise its tomorrow

    Post by Rocky Sat 09 Aug 2014, 4:26 am

    Parliament approves its rules of procedure and to raise its tomorrow

    8/9/2014 0:00 
    The formation of a legal committee temporary 
    Baghdad Muhannad Abdul Wahab 
    decided the Presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, on Thursday, lifting the Council meeting to tomorrow, after the vote by an absolute majority on the rules of procedure of Parliament and the formation of the Legal Committee of temporary legal regulation of the Federal Court and the Federation Council. 
    MP said the bloc virtue Abdul Hussein Musawi: The Presidency of the Council of Representatives decided to raise the Council meeting to tomorrow after throwing a number of data submitted to the Presidency on the situation in cities troubled. 
    said in a statement the "morning", the session saw the vote by an absolute majority on the rules of procedure of Parliament and the formation of the Legal Committee of the interim for legal regulation of the Federal Court and the Council of Alathad.waodh he was supposed to submit to the Commission the displaced but apologized and asked for an adjournment to disagreements about some of the literature that is written statement between the members of the committee itself. 
    confirmed that the Iraqi Council of Representatives held Thursday (7 August 2014), its headed by Chairman of the Board Saleem al-Jubouri and the presence of 168 deputies, where the agenda included the approval of the resignation of the governor of Najaf, Adnan al-Zurfi and Environment Minister Sargon Lazar Sliwa from the membership of parliament, as well as the first reading of the draft law of the Federal Court, in addition to reading the report of the committee in charge of following up the conditions of the displaced. 
    On the other hand, revealed MP for the Rafidain List Kanna reported altercation between the deputies union forces and the National Alliance on the back of demand Union to halt the bombing barrels explosive on the cities of Fallujah and Ramadi. 
    said in a statement the "morning", "The altercation took place, on Thursday afternoon, the Vice- Union forces and deputies of the National Alliance on background throwing Union of Forces issued a statement calling for the cessation of the bombing barrels explosive on the cities of Fallujah and Ramadi. " 
    and added that "this statement angered some deputies of the National Alliance, which led to the occurrence of an altercation between the two parties." 
    It is noteworthy that al-Anbar province, and status Since witnessing gray (21 December 2013) shelling with artillery and warplanes almost daily, as well as a military operation to hunt down members of al "Daash", after their deployment in large parts of the province.

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