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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Alekti is betting on the 2018 scenario: No intention to replace Barham Salih

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Alekti is betting on the 2018 scenario: No intention to replace Barham Salih Empty Alekti is betting on the 2018 scenario: No intention to replace Barham Salih

    Post by Rocky Tue 08 Mar 2022, 6:31 am

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    Alekti is betting on the 2018 scenario: No intention to replace Barham Salih
    March 07 2022

    Ultra Iraq - Editorial Team
    The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan denied the existence of intentions to replace its candidate for the presidency, Barham Salih.
    Union member Suzan Mansour said in [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] to the official channel, "The fact that the Union and the Kurdistan Democratic Party present different candidates for the post of President of the Republic does not mean that there is a dispute, but rather it is a competition between them, given that the position belongs to the Kurdish component."
    Read also:  [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Mansour added, "The door for dialogue is open and permanent, and both parties have the right to submit multiple names for the position that represents the protection of the constitution, but on the other hand, we feel that there are attempts to reduce the role of the President of the Republic by political parties."
    Mansour confirmed, "The Union has not yet replaced its candidate, Barham Salih, and we have no information about the Democratic Party's intentions to present a second candidate for the position in addition to the current candidate, Reber Ahmed," explaining that "the National Union has made contacts with all parliamentary blocs to support Barham Salih."
    And the union member stated, "The scenario of the election of the President of the Republic in 2018 will be repeated, and our candidate, Barham Salih, will pass, relying on our alliances and the political arena that sometimes witnesses changes in attitudes."
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